
Take Control of VMware Fusion 2 Series: Find a Missing Pointer

Cover_vmware_fusion_2 The Take Control of VMware Fusion 2 blog series is back! This week, we are going to talk about finding a missing mouse pointer. If you are new to the series, the ebook Take Control of VMware Fusion 2 by Joe Kissell, teaches you all the fundamentals of VMware Fusion 2, as well as tips and tricks to get the most out of running Windows on your Mac.

Here is this week's excerpt from Joe Kissell's new book Take Control of VMware Fusion 2:

Find a Missing Pointer

In a few of situations, you may find yourself without a pointer—you move the mouse but nothing shows up, either in Windows or in Mac OS X. Don’t panic. It’s likely one of three issues:

•    First, during part of the time that Windows is starting up, shutting down, suspending, or resuming, the VMware Tools drivers aren’t active, so Fusion can’t perform its usual trick of handing off the pointer between Mac and Windows. In most cases, if you wait a minute, it’ll come back. If it doesn’t—or if you can’t wait—press Command-Control to release the pointer from the virtual machine’s control and hand it to Mac OS X.

•    Second, in rare cases, your pointer may move just fine in Mac OS X, but when you move it over the virtual machine window, the Windows pointer doesn’t move (or doesn’t appear at all). If this happens, choose Virtual Machine > Grab Input, which jogs Fusion into attaching mouse input to the virtual machine.

•    Third, Fusion may lock your pointer to the virtual machine window to make a game work correctly. If this happens, you won’t see your Mac pointer even when you try to move outside the window. If this happens at an inappropriate time, see the section “General Preferences” for the gaming-related settings to change.

To learn more about the book Take Control of VMware Fusion 2, or buy it, click here.