
Fusion 8.1.1 Available Now with Important Networking fixes!

Hi Everyone,

Over the weekend we rolled out an update to Fusion 8 and Fusion 8 Pro that brings our version to 8.1.1.

The important fix has resolved a NAT port forwarding and DNS lookup issues that some users have been experiencing, particularly those who work with Hashicorp’s Vagrant plugin for VMware.

We’ve also addressed USB issues, Fusion crashes related to graphics, and we’ve plugged up a memory leak.

Get it via auto-update today, or grab the download directly from your MyVMware portal or our trial pages (you can drag the trial right over the copy in your /Applications folder, all your licensing and preference information is saved elsewhere)


Details from the release notes:

The following issues were resolved in this version of VMware Fusion.

  • Resolved: Running graphic software with MSAA enabled causes VMware Fusion to crash
    • In a Windows virtual machine, running graphic software, such as a Realtime Landscape Architect program, or a graphic game, such as Civilization 4, with Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) enabled causes VMware Fusion to crash.
  • Resolved: Resizing the window of a running virtual machine causes host-system memory to leak
    • Resizing the window of a running virtual machine by dragging its corner causes the amount of system memory used to increase. You can observe the memory usage by looking at the Memory Used value on the Memory tab of the Activity Monitor.
  • Resolved: Enabling port forwarding breaks NAT
    • Enabling any port forwarding prevents the vmnat supporting application to fail to perform Network Address Translation functions
  • Resolved: Installing an automatic update unexpectedly suspends remote virtual machines
    • In VMware Fusion, after you connect to a remote virtual machine stored on either an ESXi server or a Workstation Server instance, as Fusion updates, the automatic update suspends or shuts down the running remote virtual machine, in addition to the running virtual machines that are stored on the local disk.
  • Resolved: Connecting specific USB devices to a virtual machine through a USB 3.0 controller causes issues
    • In VMware Fusion 8.1, the following situations occur when you connect the specified USB devices to a virtual machine through a USB 3.0 controller:
      • USB 3.0 scanner – this type of device does not function inside a virtual machine.
      • USB 3.0 flash drive – you cannot format this type of device inside a virtual machine.