Microsoft Windows XP end of support (AKA the XPocalypse) has come and gone, and we are all still here.

However, a recent Microsoft security alert should give Windows XP users cause for concern as it potentially exposes them to serious security risks. Luckily, Microsoft issued a patch on May 1st – including Windows XP.

The issue is that XP users can’t expect Microsoft to continue to provide security updates for their operating system as support officially ended on April 8th.

If you must continue using XP for a while longer, you can run your critical Windows XP applications in a VMware Fusion virtual environment and get the following benefits:

  • Forward compatibility—virtualization lets you run 12-year-old XP on today’s hardware.
  • Reduced vulnerability—putting XP into a virtual machine isolates it, enabling you to turn off features that make it vulnerable.
  • Safe state rollback—Fusion allows you to take periodic snapshots of a virtual machine that serves as a backup should your XP virtual machine become corrupted.

Click here to learn more about virtualizing Windows XP–and stay tuned for an upcoming blog with tips for what VMware Fusion users can do to protect XP running in Fusion from further security exploits.