
Coda 2 Paired with VMware Fusion 4: Web development has never been easier.

 Today the Panic inc team released Coda 2, a much anticipated web development tool for the Mac OS. We think it’s awesome software, but it gets even better when paired with VMware Fusion 4. So naturally we thought we would take a second to talk about why it’s so great.

Coda 2

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Coda 2 is a “do everything” web development tool designed to stream line the web development process by putting everything in one place. Whether you need to work with an editor, Terminal, CSS, or Files Coda 2 has got it all. With over 100 new features including a totally redesigned UI, Coda 2 is a truly major update.

VMware Fusion 4 + Coda 2 =Rejoice

One of the biggest advantages to Coda 2 is the ability to cross test your code across any Mac OS native browsers on the fly, but what about Internet Explorer? That’s where VMware Fusion steps in. With VMware Fusion 4 you can instantly gain access to all versions of Internet Explorer giving you the final piece of the proverbial puzzle to the ultimate web development test bed. Here’s how it works.

1.From inside Coda select the Preview tab, then click the browser preview icon in the bottom left of the window.

Coda 2

2. Next select the version of IE that you would like to test. 

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It’s that easy! With just a couple clicks you can now test across virtually any browser. 

If you want to check download a trial of Coda 2 click here.

To download a trial of VMware Fusion 4 click here