
Guest Blog: Shawn Hart, Lead Developer at Bullet Proof Orange

We are constantly hearing from developers that VMware Fusion is an essential tool in their development process. So we thought it would be cool to invite a few of them to share their stories. In this post we spoke to Shawn Hart, Lead Developer for Bullet Proof Orange. 

Sean Hart

I live in a Mac world, but work in web design where my audience can be using any number of browsers working on any number of systems. Although browser compatibilities are slowly becoming a thing of the past (fingers crossed), the legacy of the browser wars is still very much present and when I build a site I have to keep this in mind. As a freelancing designer/developer, I'm very much a one man shop for my client's needs and don't have a  dedicated QA department that can use different machines running different OS's. Instead I use Vmware Fusion 4 on a regular basis to test my product and make sure that my clients are reaching the largest possible audience, and looking good in the process (even in Explorer 7). Having the flexibility to just open up a window and have another operating system there at my beck and call, has made life so much easier and has streamlined my workflow considerably. I love that VMware Fusion gives guys like me the ability get the most out of the Mac. Thanks VMware Fusion!

You can check out Bullet Proof Orange at bulletprooforange.com