
Macworld chooses VMware Fusion for the “best way to run Windows on your Mac”


We are very excited to share that Macworld, the world’s Mac leading publication, has chosen VMware Fusion 4 as “the best way to run Windows on a Mac” highlighting its fast performance, easier installation and general operation, more Mac-like behavior and better value for money.

“So which virtualization solution should you purchase? In my comparison, Fusion comes out ahead“

 MacWorld 16th of January 2012

We are extremely pleased with the outcome of this comparison and are excited to share some of the highlights of the article:

General performance: VMware Fusion 4 is faster than Parallels Desktop 7 in 9 out of 11 of the general performance tests!

Virtualization: “If you want to explore operating systems other than Windows, Fusion offers a much broader universe of alternatives”. VMware Fusion 4 offers the ability to virtualize more than 200 operating systems including Windows 7, Windows XP, OS X Lion as well as dozens of versions of Linux. VMware Fusion 4 also benefits from VMware’s broad ecosystem of “virtual appliances” which is 19 times larger than Parallels’. 

Price: At $49.99 for unlimited personal use, VMware Fusion 4 is far more affordable than Parallels Desktop 7 ($79.99SRP) which requires one license per machine. For example, if you have 3 Macs and would like to install a virtualization solution on your Macs for personal use, VMware Fusion 4 will cost you $49.99 while Parallels Desktop 7 will cost you more than 4 times that. (More on price below)

Installation and general operation:Installing Fusion 4 is surprisingly simple […]. Parallels, by contrast, is installed via an installer, its extensions are installed in the System folder and are always present, even when Desktop isn’t running. In addition, two background processes continue to run after you quit Parallels.”

Mac Integration: “[…] if you’re going to the trouble of using an integrated mode, chances are you want your Windows apps to behave just like your Mac ones. And in that case it makes more sense to treat the windows the way Fusion does.”

So it’s been four months since we released VMware Fusion 4 and we have been thrilled with the response from our customers and the VMware Fusion community. With more than 150 customer reviews on Amazon averaging 4.5 out of 5 stars it shows our customers and leading publications believe that VMware Fusion 4 delivers the value they are looking for in running Windows on their Mac.

To continue the momentum in 2012, we have decided to make $49.99 the permanent price for VMware Fusion 4 moving forward.

That’s right, one edition, one price to switch to Mac and run Windows without rebooting.

VMware Fusion 4 makes it a breeze to run Windows and Mac Applications side by side with incredible speed and the reliability users need. Optimized for today’s multi-core Macs and OS X Lion, VMware Fusion 4 is the best way to run Windows on a Mac!

Try VMware Fusion 4 for free today!