
VMware Fusion 2 Driverless Printing Stops Working After Apple Security Update 2009-001

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Have you tried printing a document from your Windows virtual machine lately, using VMware Fusion 2's Driverless Printing feature? Chances are it stopped working. On February 12, Apple published Mac OS X 10.5.6 Security Update 2009-001, and with this update installed, shared printers made available by Driverless Printing no longer show up in the Windows virtual machine. Apple Security Update 2009-001 comes with some changes in the CUPS server, a print spooler, and these changes break ThinPrint – the underlying technology for Driverless Printing. We are working to solve the problem, and in the meantime, we posted several workarounds in VMware Fusion community forum to get your printer back to work:

  1. Configure local USB printer in your virtual machine
  2. Configure Bonjour network printer in your virtual machine
  3. Re-enable Driverless Printing by replacing your CUPSD binary with the original one that comes with Mac OS X 10.5.6

For more details on how to apply one of these workarounds or discuss this issue with other VMware Fusion users, visit the VMware Fusion community forum: Workaround for Printers Sharing not working after Mac OS X Security Update 2009-001.