
Ars Technica Reviews Linux GIMP on Mac using VMware Fusion

2-brushes Dave Girard (who recently reviewed VMware Fusion 2 for Ars Technica) just posted a killer review of GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) for Linux, running on his Mac with VMware Fusion 2.

We talk a lot about how VMware Fusion is great for running Windows on Mac and Windows-only applications like Google Chrome on Mac, and so on, but it’s good to remember also that VMware Fusion 2 supports more than 60 operating systems as a VM—so that means you can run your favorite Linux apps, on your Mac, without rebooting too.

In fact, with the launch of Fusion 2, you can even run those Linux apps in Unity view, so long as you’re running in Ubuntu or Red Hat.  So, if you wanted to, you could keep GIMP in your dock, and use it as your standard image editing tool, if you so desired.  Pretty cool!

Thanks for the exhaustive review, as usual, Dave.

And here’s a demo video of Unity for Linux in VMware Fusion 2: