
VMware Fusion 2 University: Create a Virtual Machine from a PC with VMware Converter

Apple likes to talk about how 50% of all Mac purchasers are switching over to the Mac from the PC. 

Just recently, Apple’s COO, Tim Cook, Apple specifically called out VMware Fusion as one of the driving factors helping people to switch to the Mac, by making it easy to run the Windows apps you’ve come to love, or which don’t have Mac versions, on your Mac, virtually.

Bring your PC with you as you switch

One of the things that helps people do this, is the ability to move an existing PC, a physical Windows box, like a Dell or HP or what have you, to a virtual machine, to run on VMware Fusion.

Yes, it does sound like black magic, but really, it’s quite easy.  In fact, we provide a free tool, VMware Converter, which runs on pretty much any Windows OS, that will make a bit-by-bit virtual machine copy of your existing PC to run on any VMware virtual machine runtime (Fusion, of course, being this team’s favorite).

To help you get a better idea, here are two videos that show exactly how to switch to the Mac with VMware Fusion by bringing along your existing Windows PC.

These are both taken from the more than dozen VMware Fusion 2 video tutorials made freely available to help you get the most out of VMware Fusion 2.

VMware eLearning step-by-step video:

VMware Fusion team’s slightly sexier, though less exhaustive video:

Migrate Your Windows PC to your Mac with VMware Fusion from VMware Fusion on Vimeo.