
One Day VMware Fusion Madness: 50% off VMware Fusion. Combine with Competitive Rebate

The VMware E-store team wanted to do something a little crazy to celebrate Cyber Monday—the first Monday after the great annual shopping holiday known as “Black Friday.”

So they decided to go whole hog. 

From 12:01 AM Pacific Time (well, I think it actually might be live right now) on December 1st, 2008 through 11:59 PM, 24 hours later, VMware Fusion will be on sale for 50% off, worldwide.

That’s right.  Using the coupon code “CyberMondayDeal” at checkout, you can buy VMware Fusion at half off its typical list price.

What’s more, in the United States and Canada, this deal combines with our $30 competitive rebate for Parallels and Virtual PC for Mac users. On top of getting Fusion for half off, you can get $30 back when you prove ownership of a competing product.

So yes, you heard that right.

People interested in running Windows on the Mac, can do so with Fusion for half price, all day tomorrow.

And people interested in switching from Parallels and Virtual PC to VMware Fusion can do so for as little as $9.99.

How’s that for the holidays come early?