
VMware Fusion 2 University: Video Tutorials for VMware Fusion

As part of our launch of VMware Fusion 2, our delightful eLearning department at VMware put together more than a dozen video tutorials to help VMware Fusion users get the most out of the product.

And what’s more, they’ve made them freely available to all the world, so people thinking about maybe using VMware Fusion can get an idea about what it’s like to run Windows on the Mac.

Topics include things like creating a Windows virtual machine, migrating an existing PC to a virtual machine, using all the great Mac-Windows sharing features, and more.

The tutorials are accessible on the VMware Fusion homepage, on the “Resources” tab, along with a variety of other great tools and resources.

They can also be accessed via the “Help” menu via the VMware Fusion user interface.

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Below you can find the first in the series, “Create a Virtual Machine and Install Windows XP.”