
Best Practices for Running Mac OS X Server Virtual Machines on VMware Fusion 2 Beta 2

Pete_s VMware Dell The VMware Fusion engineering team has thrown together a document on best practices for running Mac OS X Leopard Server on VMware Fusion 2 Beta 2, and we wanted to call it out to all of you.

There’s already a lot of interest in virtualization Mac OS X Leopard Server now that Apple has allowed it in their EULA, and that VMware Fusion 2 Beta 2 has shipped, supporting it.

Some of the VMware Fusion engineers threw together a document on the VMware Fusion community forums with some tips and tricks on how to best install and optimize a Mac OS X Leopard Server VM on VMware Fusion 2 Beta 2. 

You can find the document in question here.

And for people who are reading this saying “What the heck are you talking about, Mac OS X virtualized?" go ahead and watch this video: