
Switching to the Mac Tips at All Thing D; Don’t Forget VMware Fusion!

lightswitch Our friend Walt Mossberg has a very cool roundup of tips and tricks for new switchers to the Mac

Based on the rising popularity of the Mac, and his readers emailing in with questions, Walt decided it would be good to put together a brief post on Mac equivalents to popular Windows features, like the task bar, menu bars, start menus on so on.

Don’t Forget the Fusion!

One thing Walt leaves out of this particular post (though he has covered it in the past—he too is a fan of Fusion!), is that the ability to run Windows applications, and even the whole Windows desktop, side by side with your new Mac is a great tool for switchers.

Windows on Mac makes switching pretty darn easy—and even helps out those who have already switched, but were forced to leave behind great Windows apps they knew and loved.

When we add and refine features, it’s always with an eye towards being able to smooth the integration of the best of Windows and Mac—and that includes making it easy for new Mac users to transition to the Mac.  For example, that’s why in Unity view, you can hide or show the Windows task bar—some people just like using the Start Menu, and we’re gonna help them!

But in the mean time, before VMware Fusion has reached feature perfection with respect to integration (and it’ll probably be a while yet!) it’s great that there are people like Walt out there helping out to ease the transition.  You can read all about it here.

Photo by amulligan.