
Microsoft Promoting Running *Windows* Office 2007 on *Macs*? Hopefully with VMware Fusion!

Office Online Home Page - Microsoft Office Online

My boss kicked this interesting tidbit my way to share with all of you.

Microsoft Office’s online home “Office Online” has a big “Back to School” graphic up (is it that time already?).  But that’s not surprising.

Office Online Home Page - Microsoft Office Online-1What is remarkable about the graphic, is that it’s quite clearly a MacBook Pro (or, at least to my eye), and in the screen shot, it appears to be running Word 2007…for Windows.

It definitely looks like Windows Office 2007, because it features the little “launch orb’ in the upper left hand corner of the UI. 

I use it all day long, so I recognize it!

Which makes me wonder: Is Microsoft Windows Office team (as opposed to the Mac Business Unit Office team) getting onboard the virtualization train? 

Of course we say this all the time: Mac, Windows, it doesn’t matter what OS the app was designed to run on originally. 

The Mac running VMware Fusion and a copy of Windows lets you choose the best app for your needs.  Do you like Mac Office 2008?  Great!  Prefer Windows Office 2007?  That’s fine too.  Do you like Omnigraffle?  Wonderful.  Are you a Visio pro?  Run it in a VM on your Intel Mac.

So, what do you think?  Snafu, shift in mindset, or VMware Fusion kool aid drinking?

Tell us in the comments!