
Are Virtualization Users Buying Up All the XP Like Hot Cakes?

hotcakes Yesterday Ina Fried had an interesting post on how WIndows XP was a hot item on Amazon.com, inferring that this was because Microsoft has now stopped selling XP, but that retailers are allowed to sell it as long as they have stock.  And as such XP Pro and XP Home where up in the 15 and 16th ranked spots on Amazon’s Best Selling Software page.

Well, Michael Horowitz at CNET has an interesting take on this: are Mac users with virtualization products like VMware Fusion the rabid XP buyers?

His rationale is around how it’s the “full” copies of XP that are selling well—the very kind required for running in a VM. 

Of course, my favorite part of the article is where Michael talks about the other part of the Mac connection—the popularity of Mac software and virtualization software on that very same list. VMware Fusion is #6 on the list, just ahead of Mac OS X Leopard at #7 on the list.  Parallels Desktop is down at #16.

What do you say?  Are you stocking up on XP?  Or are you just fine with Vista Home Premium in your VM?