
Java ME & J2ME Development on the Mac with VMware Fusion

Untitled-1copy-10 DefaultColorPhone Around the time of WWDC, we talked a little bit about how we were looking forward to meeting all the new developers at WWDC who were going to be looking at development on the iPhone SDK. 

Particularly, mobile developers who already develop on the Java ME (formerly J2ME), Symbian, and Windows Mobile platforms, because, for the most part, those platforms have development environments that are mainly Windows-only or Windows-centric.

And as we all know, the iPhone SDK requires a Mac, and a copy of Xcode to develop on.

What’s a cross platform developer to do?

Well, a Dutch mobile developer named Poorna had an interesting post on ways to do Java ME development on the Mac, and he’s concluded that running a Windows virtual machine on VMware Fusion is the best way to make it happen:

As of this date (June 25, 2008) the only practical solution for Java ME development on Mac OS X seems to be installing Netbeans 6.1 on an alternate operating system (Windows * or Linux) running over VMware Fusion.

Glad to see that VMware Fusion is so useful for mobile developers who choose to run a Mac!

You can see the rest of his post here.