
Switching to VMware Fusion for Quickbooks Pro 2008 on the Mac

JoshlJosh Aldana had a straightforward problem: he had a nice new MacBook Pro, but needed to run Quickbooks Pro 2008. 

The issue there, of course, is that Quickbooks Pro 2008 only runs on Windows, much like all the other varied speciality types of Quickbooks products.  This meant, of course, that Josh needed to run Windows on his Mac.

For a while, Josh was using Boot Camp to let him do this.  But he wasn’t a fan of having to reboot in order to use Quickbooks, and he wanted to be  able to seamlessly share files between his Mac and his Windows installs. 

This pointed to VMware Fusion, which Josh has been using ever since to help him keep his financial house in order.  Here’s his video!