
Internet Explorer for the Mac: Levi Bethune Switches to VMware Fusion


Pete_s VMware Dell-1Levi Bethune is a print, video, and web designer (creative guy!  Check out his web page.) who loves his MacBook Pro for its simplicity and “just works” design.

But as a web designer, Levi needs to be able to check his designs across all the major browsers, like Safari for the Mac, Firefox for Windows and the Mac, and then, of course, Internet Explorer.

The problem is, Internet Explorer only runs on Windows.  Levi had been using Boot Camp to run Windows and Internet Explorer on his Mac, but having to reboot to get access to Internet Explorer–every single time he needed to check a design element–was driving him mad.

So Levi switched to VMware Fusion to let him run Internet Explorer on the Mac, and he’s been quite happy with the results, running Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer on his Mac, side by side.