
My Switch to VMware Fusion:USB Peripheral Support Edition

Garmin10x1 The “My Switch to VMware Fusion” contest videos keep coming in so hot and heavy it’s hard to keep up with them! 

Even though we’re getting a little buried here, I wanted to take a moment to share a particularly neat one, especially for all you people out there with USB peripherals that need Windows to run.

One of the great things about VMware Fusion being based off of the same mature, decade-in-development code base as virtualization stalwart VMware Workstation, is that we get the benefit of platform features that have been groomed, tried, and tested for years.

A key place where you see this “just working” is in the case of USB peripheral pass-through.  Our users love the fact that an incredibly broad range of USB devices pass through into the guest operating system with ease.

Paul’s USB Conundrum

Paul Brady of Blakeslee, Pennsylvania is a big fan of VMware Fusion’s USB support too. 

He works as a Systems Engineer for a company called Active Identity which provides computing security and identity solutions.smart card

As anyone who has done two-factor authentication knows, a lot of the time, USB ports are  used for authentication purposes, whether with a USB dongle, or a smart-card reader that plugs into a USB port, and into which the user slides a smart card. 

Either way, USB is really important, as it is for so many people.

In Paul’s case, he wanted to use his MacBook Pro for demonstrating to customers how Active Identity’s solutions worked across multiple operating systems, using Parallels.

But much to his chagrin, he just couldn’t get it to work, which meant lugging around a bunch of laptops to do his demos on, even though he had a perfectly good MacBook Pro that should have been able to run Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and SUSE Linux to do his demos on.

When VMware Fusion shipped, he gave us a spin, and never looked back.  It’s safe to say that Paul has been pretty happy with his “Switch to VMware Fusion.” 

Great video Paul!  And nice Darth Vader helmet.  I got to get one of those for staff meetings.