
Monday Morning Fun: "My Switch from Parallels to VMware Fusion," Monty Python Edition

silly walks This submission to the “My Switch to VMware Fusion” video contest comes direct from Alex Noble of Cambridge, UK. 

Now, it seems in addition to a taste for fast, stable, and powerful Windows on Mac (heavy on the “fast” part, by the looks of his submission), Alex also seems to have a taste for comedy. 

And I have to say, I’m 100% in agreement with Alex that there’s nothing like a top hat and snootified Victorian accent to add some wit to a video contest submission, innit? 

Apparently, Alex’s switch to VMware Fusion isn’t just helpful, it’s also funny.

Whatever it was about Alex’s submission, it reminded me of some of my favorite sketches from Alex’s countrymen, the comic geniuses of Monty Python. 

If this is what Alex can do with his Mac’s iSight camera and iMovie, I can only imagine what he could do with some extras, a holy hand grenade, and some Knights who say Ni. 

Check it out yourself!