
Friday Fun: VMware Fusion Sponsoring Barcamp Austin

Vmware_fusion_barcamp The VMware Fusion team tries its best to engage with the larger Mac community, from going to Macworld and blogging and videoing the results, to sponsoring "MacCamp" following just after.

Well, BarCamps, which are loosely themed "tech-centric unconferences" are another phenomenal community comprising alpha geeks, not-so-geeks, and just interesting people in general, many of whom are Mac-centric, and many of whom would likely find value in switching to the Mac with the help of VMware Fusion.

When the organizers of BarCamp Austin, which runs just after South By Southwest Interactive, approached us about helping them out, we jumped at the chance, sponsoring the "unconference" and providing some copies of VMware Fusion for use as prizes for their iPhone SDK hacking contest, and as raffle items.

We wish we could be there in person, but this is the next best thing!
