autocad democorner

Demo Corner: AutoCAD on Mac with VMware Fusion

The last post led to a quick jaunt around YouTube looking for other demos that users had posted of Windows on Mac with VMware Fusion.  My little trip around the ‘Toob reminded me of this neat AutoCAD demo a user posted a while back.

AutoCAD is another key app like Dragon Naturally Speaking that our users lament not existing on the Mac, and for which they use VMware Fusion to help them run on their great Mac hardware.

Without any further ado, here are those demos of AutoCAD on Mac with VMware Fusion.  In the first demo, AutoCAD is running off a Boot Camp partition being managed by VMware Fusion.  The likely story is that the user was using Boot Camp to run AutoCAD by rebooting (yuck) before he got VMware Fusion.  Bet that was a big relief for him.

In the second demo (about 2:18 in), AutoCAD is running off a regular virtual machine (no physical partition required), which I bet the user really enjoys being able to do great things like suspend his virtual machine, and resume it in a snap, in addition to taking snapshots of his VM.

Either way, both demos are really neat.  Look for more like this in the future.