Hi, Spring fans! And, happy holidays to you! It’s nearly the end of the year and the next time we talk it will be 2025. I hope your day and week and month are all amazing and that you spend it surrounded by friends and family. I know I speak for the Spring team, when I wish you very happy holidays and a very happy new year indeed!
We’ve got a ton of stuff to dive into so let’s get going!
- Spring Data 2024.1.1 and 2024.0.7 released
- The amazing K. Siva Prasad Reddy (SivaLabs) on _A Bootiful Podcast
- Spring Framework 6.1.16 and 6.2.1 are available now
- Announcing Spring AI MCP: a Java SDK for the Model Context Protocol
- Introducing Spring AI Amazon Bedrock Nova Integratino via Converse API
- A nice blog by Michael Minella: Spring Support Updates
- This is an interesting comparison of performance and efficiency in a Spring application, implemented using the reactive system and a Spring application implemented without reactive, and importantly, without Java 21’s virtual threads. The author signaled to me on Twitter that he’d have a followup post looking at virtual threads, and I am quite keen on seeing that!
- Not strictly speaking related to Spring, but very interesting: this shows how to use Testcontainers and Docker Compose, both of which live at Docker (the company), together as one
- Two reasons you may want to disable the [Open Session in View filter in a Spring application (I think this is a good idea!)
- Nice! A micro frontends sample implementation of The Tractor Store built with Spring Boot + JTE, ESI, HTMX and Tailwind
- I did a video looking at the latest-and-greatest in Spring Framework 6.2 – check it out!
- In last week’s installment of A Bootiful Podcast, I talk to Spring Security lead Rob Winch
- To learn more about Spring AI’s new audio features, check out this blog by Christian Tzolov
- Spring Tools 4.27.0 has been released
- This is an interesting read from Karanbir Singh on Spring Boot 3.4x’s OAuth2 client using `RestClient`
- WireMock now has an official Spring Boot integration
- This video by BellSoft’s Catherine Edelveis on using CRaC with Spring Boot is good
- Implementing Spring AI to create a voice-based chat assistant is trivial
- Cool: build a JavaFX app with Spring AI
- I missed this last month: a Chinese language tutorial on configuring Apache ShardingSphere JDBC 5.5.0 and Spring
- I love this InfoQ interview with Spring Framework lead Jürgen Hoeller and Spring Framework contributor Sébastien Deleuze
- I also love this article on reactive websockets with Spring
- Extending Spring Data repositories just got easier!
- Huh. Apparently the old SpringSource repositories just got sunsetted. I had no idea we still maintained them.
- In this week’s installment of A Bootiful Podcast, I talk to Dave Cramer, PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL JDBC driver contributor extraordinaire
- Spring Cloud 2023.0.4 is now available
- Spring Cloud Stream Applications is now available
- HTTP3 in Reactor!
- I have thoughts on all the amazing new opportunities in Spring Boot 3.4! Like, 50 pages or so worth. So I wrote them all down and published them as a series of blogs looking at Spring Framework, Spring Data, Spring Batch, Spring Integration, Spring Security, Spring Modulith, and Spring AI. Here’s the starting blog post, which serves as a sort of index for all the other posts.
- And here’s the post on Spring Framework
- And here’s the post on Spring Data
- And here’s the post on Spring Batch
- And here’s the post on Spring Integration
- And here’s the post on Spring Security
- And here’s the post on Spring Modulith
- And here’s the post on Spring AI
- If you want an even better look at Spring Modulith, look no further than this blog from Spring Modulith lead Oliver Drotbohm
- Here’s the post announcing that Spring Modulith 1.3 was released
- In last week’s installment of A Bootiful Podcast, I talked to Heroku’s Terence Lee
- InfoQ’s Michael Redlich does a nice job looking at all that’s new and novel in the Spring ecosystem in this post, too
- While it won’t get as much fanfare as Spring Boot 3.4, it’s nice to know that Spring Boot 2.7.23, 3.0.18, and 3.1.14 are available now
- Did I mention that Spring Boot 3.4 is here? ‘Cause if not, here’s the blog post announcing it!
- Spring Cloud 2022.0.9, a.k.a. Kilburn, has been released
- Spring Boot 3.3.6 is available now
- Spring Boot 3.2.12 is available now
- Spring AI 1.0.0.M4 is available now
- Spring Batch 5.2.0 is GA
- Spring Integration 6.4 is GA
- Spring Authorization Server 1.4 is GA
- Spring for Apache Kafka 3.3.0, 3.2.5, and 3.1.10 are available now
- By the way, have you checked out Thomas Vitale’s awesome directory of examples for Spring AI
- Wim Deblauwe has a nice post on sending redirect attributes with Spring MVC and HTMX
- The Trifork blog has a nice discussion on tuning observability metrics in Spring Boot
- This resource is an awesome compendium of other resources related to event-driven architecture, also worth a read
C’ya in 2025!