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SpringOne Workshops: Boot, Native, RabbitMQ, and More, All Taught by Expert Instructors

SpringOne is (almost) here, and as with every year, we have a packed calendar of workshops for you. There is something for everyone—from beginner sessions to advanced ones. This includes the Spring-centric workshops you would expect, but also bonus content, thanks to our partners! Let’s dig into the details.

All of our most popular Spring workshops will return—including Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Gateway, and Spring on Kubernetes. This year, we're also really excited to feature two workshops covering Spring Native with GraalVM that will enable you to learn about small app footprints and instant startup times. Be sure to check out these two hands-on sessions, one for beginners and the other for practitioners.

Data is at the heart of all modern applications. So learn how to never drop a message again in the VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ workshop, and learn all about fast access to application data with strong consistency and high availability in the Tanzu Gemfire session. Our partner workshops feature experts from Confluent, CockroachDB, Solace, and Datastax and will cover a huge range of cloud native data storage, transmission, and consumption patterns.

At the intersection of Kubernetes and developer productivity we recommend our hands-on session featuring Carvel (formerly K14s), the Kubernetes tool chain. Cloud Native Buildpacks (CNBs) is a fantastic technology that transforms your source code into an image that can run in Kubernetes, Docker, or anywhere else you run containers. Be sure to check out the hands-on session featuring CNBs.

There are more tooling options available if you are invested in .Net and Azure. If this is an area  of interest, we recommend our Azure Spring Cloud and Steeltoe workshops.

All instructor-led workshops at SpringOne have a registration cap to ensure a great experience for attendees. And the nominal $25 registration fee goes to a charity of your choice. But the fun doesn't end at SpringOne; all of our must-try content is also added to our ever-expanding library of self-paced content.

SpringOne runs online September 1–2 this year, and it is free to attend. We hope to see you there!