Case Studies

IoT, CEP, storage and NATS in between. Part 1 of 3.


Hello, my name is Dmitry Dorofeev, I’m a software architect working for Luxms Group. We are a team of creative programmers touching technology which moves faster than we can imagine these days. This blog post is about building a small streaming analytics pipeline which is minimalistic, but can be adapted for bigger projects easily. It can be started on a notebook (Yes, I tried that), and quickly deployed to the cloud if the need arises.

Streaming analytics and Complex Event Processing (CEP) is useful technology for IoT on-the-fly analytics, but for IoT solutions it is very practical to keep all the collected data somewhere for later use. We can keep it in distributed queues like Kafka or NATS Streaming forever, but that would not be very efficient for massive analytics, especially for OLAP style analytical queries. We can use some Hadoop based storage or NoSQL solution, but many popular projects moving to or already provide SQL support for the Hadoop or NoSQL storage. Why is that? The answer is simple: SQL is the most used, mathematically baked declarative data analysis language. Answering Hadoop/NoSQL challenges modern SQL solutions provide MPP, sharding, columnar storage, XML/JSON support (yes, it can be looking like schema less) and many other features. Compressed columnar storage, MPP and sharding would give us very efficient disk storage with excellent query speed for OLAP queries. Good news, we have open source Greenplum project with all these features, ready for IoT use cases. Greenplum is based on PostgreSQL and have the same binary protocol and very powerful SQL92 support. Main PostgreSQL project is moving forward with sharding (check version 10), but still is lacking MPP and columnar storage, critical for IoT.

This article opens a series of three blog posts, spanning the IoT pipeline based on for event streaming and optional stream persistence, Riemann for CEP, Greenplum for highly efficient IoT storage, and Luxms BI for IoT visualization.

It looks like non-conventional, frontier technology stack to create a robust IoT pipeline but we will discover that it just suits the needs and easy to work with.

In the fields

Our IoT partner Thingenix kindly provided us with an MQTT trading broker and that saved us from yet another technology digging around sensors, LoRaWAN specifications and binary protocols. MQTT is ISO and OASIS standard supported by big players like IBM, Amazon and Microsoft. And that means you can easily find open source MQTT library for any language ranging from C to Haskell. NATS Streaming expands client library coverage and aims to cover as many languages as NATS Server (which is dozens), so we are also look at this option in the future.

From the fields to the Commit Log

There are plenty of choices for message storage these days. Most popular is probably Apache Kafka which is functional and battle tested. Basically it is distributed commit log with similar but not identical functionality to traditional message queues like RabbitMQ or ZeroMQ. If you want in-depth understanding on the subject, including technical notes on Exactly-Once semantics, I recommend reading articles from the Brave New Geek blog. That covers both Kafka and NATS Streaming.

Please note that NATS and NATS Streaming are different things. NATS can be described as a fast pub/sub implementation. NATS Streaming is technically a message persistence extension on top of vanilla NATS server. So, subscription to the NATS Streaming subject is not the same as subscription to the vanilla NATS subject. It may sound confusing, but once you get it installed, it is very simple.

Making a choice for which messaging system to adopt is not always an easy thing. But, when comparing Kafka vs NATS Streaming, we selected NATS Streaming for this project and are adopting NATS Streaming into our product line. There are several reasons we chose NATS, which may or may not be applicable to your projects:

  • NATS Streaming server is a single executable binary which can even be statically compiled. It is very suitable for Docker/Cloud deployments.
  • NATS Streaming server performs lightning fast, even though it is a younger project compared to Kafka.
  • NATS Streaming has a very simple and uncluttered configuration process.
  • NATS Streaming has enough features for most our use cases.
  • NATS Community is very friendly and helpful, and very open with all sort of discussions.
  • MIT License (Kafka is Apache 2 licensed).
  • Small codebase. The NATS Github archive is around 400Kb. Kafka is more than 7Mb.

On the Mac you can install NATS Streaming with brew
install nats-streaming-server
. Then we need to specify file storage for our messages and some limits in the config file as shown below:

# Use file for message store
store: file
dir: "/home/user/NATS"
file: {
     compact_enabled: true
     compact_frag: 50
     compact_interval: 3000
     crc: true
     sync: true
     parallel_recovery: 1
     buffer_size: 2MB
     slice_max_bytes: 500MB

# HTTP monitoring port
http_port: 8222 

# Define store limits.
# Can be limits, store_limits or StoreLimits.
store_limits: {
    # Define maximum number of channels.
    # Can be mc, max_channels or MaxChannels
    max_channels: 100

    # Define maximum number of subscriptions per channel.
    # Can be msu, max_sybs, max_subscriptions or MaxSubscriptions
    max_subs: 100

    # Define maximum number of messages per channel.
    # Can be mm, max_msgs, MaxMsgs, max_count or MaxCount
    max_msgs: 100000000

    # Define total size of messages per channel.
    # Can be mb, max_bytes or MaxBytes. Expressed in bytes
    max_bytes: 5GB

    # Define how long messages can stay in the log, expressed
    # as a duration, for example: "24h" or "1h15m", etc...
    # Can be ma, max_age, MaxAge.
    max_age: "0"

# Enable debug log
stan_debug: true

Basically, we limit number of messages max_msgs to 100 millions and the total size of all messages max_bytes to 5 Gigabytes. If we overfill our NATS Streaming server with messages, it will automatically delete the oldest messages, trying to keep limits.

Each channel keeps messages in a separate directory named with the channel name. Messages can be split between several files named slices for numerous optimizations. We limited slice size slice_max_bytes to 500Mb. With this setup, we will have a maximum of 10 slices for messages if all of them are in a single channel, and they occupy just 5Gb in total.

Almost all configuration options may be specified from the command line as well. Please check documentation on Github. It has a full description for all available parameters, details how to mix vanilla NATS Server and NATS Streaming configs, authorization and security settings, and how to specify per server or per channel limits.

Once you have your config file ready, you can start the server with the command nats-streaming-server --config=/home/user/NATS/nats.conf, providing full path to the config file.

At this point we have both MQTT and NATS Streaming servers running, but no message is flowing from one to another. That should be programmed and we can use C#, Go, Java, Node.js or Ruby to write NATS Streaming clients. These languages are officially supported by the Apcera Inc., while Python and Arduino support is provided by the community.

We’ve chosen Javascript as it seems to be a lingua franca for modern computing. The only drawback in using Javascript is its single thread async nature. Fortunately, Javascript provides some handy constructs to deal with this complication, and we used Promise to make async code more pleasant to deal with.

var mqtt = require('mqtt');
var natsNodeStreaming = require('node-nats-streaming');
var colors = require('colors');

// 1. Connect to MQTT Server using SSL, login and password
function createMqttConnection() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    var mqttConnection  = mqtt.connect('mqtts://', {
      username: 'mqtt_username',
      password: 'give me messages',
// 2. Print debug message on successfull MQTT connection 
    mqttConnection.on('connect', () => {
      console.log('MQTT - connected');


// 3. Connect to NATS Streaming on localhost. Cluster name is test-cluster (default)
//    our client name is thingenix-mqtt-proxy (should be unique on the server)
function createNatsConnection() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    var server = natsNodeStreaming.connect('test-cluster', 'thingenix-mqtt-proxy');
    server.on('connect', function () {
// 4. Print debug message on successfull NATS Streaming connection 
      console.log('NATS - connected');

// main
Promise.all([createMqttConnection(), createNatsConnection()])
.then(([mqttConnection, natsConnection]) => {
  console.log('Connected to MQTT & NATS');

  mqttConnection.on('message', (topic, message) => {
    // message is Buffer
    console.log(topic.toString(), message.toString());
// 5. On every message received from MQTT broker publish it to the NATS Streaming subject
//    named thingenix
    natsConnection.publish('thingenix', message.toString(), (err, guid) => {
      if(err) {
        console.log('publish failed: '.red, err);
      } else {
        console.log('published message with guid: '.green + guid);

// 6. Subscribe to the 4 MQTT topics, actually here is 4 wildcards for potentially
//    hundreds of topics.  
  mqttConnection.subscribe('592c8451da64856b397fcdfe/#');  // Industrial
  mqttConnection.subscribe('594e7bfb463aee1301da2d6b/#');  // Oil & Gas
  mqttConnection.subscribe('594e7c0a463aee1301da2d6d/#');  // Agriculture
  mqttConnection.subscribe('594e7c1b463aee1301da2d6f/#');  // Solar
.catch((err) => {

You can see that NATS Streaming code is not much different from the MQTT code. So, if you have experience with programming MQ or pub/sub systems you should be able to program NATS without much of a learning curve.
Please check Github project mqtt2nats for full source code and installation instructions.

Stream processors

Now we have our messages ready for replay, but what we can do with it? We can program custom logic calculating various averages, sending alerts and do smart logging. But wait, this code can quickly become a mess. The main reason for this is the following: requirements for stream processing will quickly change and grow. Every result or functionality gathered from the data stream will often be a starting point for the next couple of things to check, calculate or compare. And finally, after several iterations, the Big ball of mud might arrive.

Fortunately, there are several stream processors readily available to help us doing stream processing and keep things organized and well structured. The most popular processor is probably Apache Spark, based on micro-batches, but Apache Flink is a truly stream based and still did not get as much adoption as Spark. And there is Apache Beam on top of these two powerful open source technology leaders.

Ok, we come close to the Paradox of choice quite quickly, and I didn’t even mention Apache Apex yet?

To solve the Paradox of choice I deny mainstream and will try very interesting piece of tech named Riemann. If NATS Streaming was selected instead of mainstream Kafka, then Riemann would be a good match. Riemann may look simple when compared with Spark, but as we have seen with NATS, simplicity is not a bad thing at all. And quite frankly, I couldn’t resist touching some ancient technology (some people believe that it is alien technology) named LISP, which resurrected as Clojure 🙂 . If you are not afraid of Riemann implemented in Clojure with s-expressions and brackets, keep reading!

NATS and Riemann

We will use Riemann in 2 modes: debug and production. In debug mode we will replay events from NATS Streaming to gather some understanding about the data and then we will configure production setup for non-stop operation on events stream.

While Riemann has built-in Kafka support, there is no NATS Streaming support (yet). As a first step to fix it, I started a clj-nats-streaming wrapper on Github, but definitely need help from the experienced Clojure programmers in the Clojure community.

For now, we will use JavaScript to replay streams from NATS Streaming to Riemann. The source code is available on Github – check the folder nats2reamann.

The code is nothing special, we just read all messages from NATS Streaming one by one, skip ones without a timestamp, and publish one event for every message metric into Riemann.

Promise.all([createRiemannConnection(), createNatsConnection()])
.then(([riemannConnection, natsConnection]) => {
  console.log('Connected to Riemann & NATS');

  var opts = natsConnection.subscriptionOptions().setDeliverAllAvailable();
  var natsSubscription = natsConnection.subscribe('thingenix', opts);

  var i = 0;
  natsSubscription.on('message', (msg) => {
    // message is Buffer
    if (i++ % 50000 == 0) {
      console.log("Got from Nats", i, "messages";

    var message = JSON.parse(msg.getData());
    if ( message["timestamp"] === undefined ) {
    for (a in message["items"]) {
      var d = new Date(message["timestamp"]);
          host: message["_id"],
          service: a,
          time: d.getTime() / 1000,
          metric: message["items"][a],
          attributes: [{key:"longitude", value: message["loc"][0]}, {key:"latitude", value: message["loc"][1]},{key:"context", value: message["context"]}], //custom fields
          ttl: 100000
        }), riemannConnection.tcp);
.catch((err) => {

And here is sample MQTT message in JSON format:


Our IoT provider has quite smart sensors, so each MQTT event contains GPS coordinates in the loc array. Also, each sensor collects several metrics at once, so items array list all collected metrics with their codes and values.

To simplify the following stream processing we make flat structure out of MQTT messages, so each metric value from items array becomes separate Riemann message and looks like this:

"host: "594d186e51b3bc4eb0abafd9",
"service: "APFluid",
"time: 1506775817.765,
"metric: 27.1245,
"attributes: [
    {"key":"longitude", "value":45.13887627405175}, 
    {"key":"latitude", "value":50.75920624235248},
    {"key":"context", "value":"594e7bfb463aee1301da2d6b"}
"ttl": 100000

Coming up in my next post in this series, I will look at:

  • How to call for help with Clojure coding
  • Discuss script in Node.js to send messages from NATS Streaming to Riemann
  • Discuss Riemann stream processing a bit

And, in a 3rd and final post I will look at:

  • A sample script in Golang to publish messages from NATS into a Cassandra table
  • A sample script to publish messages from NATS to a Greenplum/Postgres table
  • Because a picture is worth a thousand words: Show some visualizations of this in action from Luxms BI, our dataviz tool.