
Greenplum Hackday 2021

Come and hack Greenplum and win prizes. On Friday, Apr 16th, we are having a hackday for Greenplum around the world. The theme would be anything related to Greenplum: use Greenplum, market Greenplum, break Greenplum, hack Greenplum or do anything related to Greenplum


Friday, Apr 16th 2021

Who can participate:



  • Make any teams you want, and any size team. However, there are a finite number of prizes to be claimed per team.
  • It’s really hard to complete a project by yourself given the limited time, so you’d do best to recruit a team that has a wide range of expertise. Put in your idea here so you can try and recruit members.
  • Although it’s OK and probably even a good idea to think about the project you want to build before the day starts, we recommend that most work is done on the day. It is permissible to set up any needed development resources ahead of time instances, tools, and testing framework.
  • Hackday submissions must be made by 11.59pm in your local timezone. Submissions could be a document or a short video submission, whatever you think will have the best impact. Upload on youtube or github or google document and submit through this link