features Tanzu RabbitMQ

New Release: RabbitMQ 3.1.0

The Pivotal team is pleased to announce the release of RabbitMQ 3.1.0.

This release introduces enhancements and bug fixes to the server, Java client, Erlang client, and a number of plugins, including the management, federation, old-federation, shovel, Web-STOMP, STOMP, and MQTT plugins, as well as the consistent hash exchange. Some of the key, new capabilities include eager synchronisation of mirror queue slaves, automatic cluster partition healing, and improved statistics (including charts) in the management plugin.

There also is a newly packaged download available—a standalone release tarball for OS X.

From a performance perspective, several areas have improved—garbage collection, consumption, requeuing, memory use, and dead lettering. The Rabbit team also released some preview screenshots of new features such as the image of new charting below. For more screenshots of additional new features, see RabbitMQ’s blog post of the new release in images.

New charts in Rabbit 3.1.0

See all the details in the release notes at http://www.rabbitmq.com/release-notes/README-3.1.0.txt.

The new release can be downloaded from http://www.rabbitmq.com/download.html.

As always, we welcome any questions, bug reports, and other feedback on this release, as well as general suggestions for features and enhancements in future releases. Contact us via the RabbitMQ discussion list.


Enhancements on the Server

24407 manual eager synchronisation of slaves
25418 automatic eager synchronisation of slaves by policy
25358 cluster "autoheal" mode to automatically choose nodes to restart when a partition has occurred
25358 cluster "pause minority" mode to prefer partition tolerance over availability
19375 add x-max-length argument for queue length limits
25247 allow "nodes" policy to change queue master
25107 permit dead-letter cycles
25415 return total number of consumers in queue.declare-ok, not "active" ones
24980 cut down size of stdout banner, ensure everything goes to logs
25474 ensure partitions warning clears without needing to stop the winning partition
25488 allow exchange types plugins to validate bindings
25512 improve robustness and correctness of memory use detail reporting
25501 allow plugins to implement new ha-modes
25517 more cross-cluster compatibility checks at startup
25513 support debugging for heavyweight gen_server2 state

Performance Improvements on the Server

25514 performance improvements in message store garbage collection
25302 performance improvements in slaves when consuming
25311 performance improvements requeuing persistent messages
25373 memory-use improvement while fetching messages
25428 memory-use improvement in queue index
25504 25327 performance improvements in dead lettering
25363 25364 25365 25366 25368 25369 25371 25386 25388 25429 various minor performance improvements

To get more information, check out the release notes for RabbitMQ 3.1.0.