jasmine labs rubymine

Launching Focused Jasmine Specs From RubyMine

RubyMine is great for launching focused rspec tests, but is a little trickier for launching Jasmine specs, but we have had it working on my current project using a shell script and RubyMine external tools . The script relies on using sed to parse the first line of your spec file, so this actually only runs the describe block at the top of your file. The steps for our setup below.

  • Create a shell script somewhere in your project:

[gist id=5538355]

  • Go to RubyMine -> Preferences -> External Tools -> +
  • This should launch a new tool dialog. Fill in name, descriptions, etc
  • For program, you should link the script you just created.
  • For parameters, you should use “$FilePath$”
  • Bind this external tool under keymaps (look for the name you just gave it). We use command-option-control-f8