
The Pivotal CTO Team Offers You Strategic Advisors. James Urquhart Just Made That Team Even Better.

James Urquhart is an OG in the PaaS world. I met him in 2013 at DeployCon, a conference focused on enterprise platform-as-a-service offerings. Back then, he impressed me with his knowledge of the cloud landscape, and most importantly, knew what enterprises needed. From that perspective, not much has changed since then. With a career spanning Sun Microsystems to AWS, James carved out a unique perspective as a technology executive. I'm thrilled to share that today he's joined Pivotal as a CTO who will work with our customers on their technology strategy.

Our field CTO organization, which is part of the broader Application and Platform Architecture team, is a unique asset available to you, our customers. For free. Like James, these individuals are world-class technologists. They partner with technology leaders like you to make sense of the ever changing technology landscape and they're advisors who willingly discuss the impact of emerging technologies. With expertise in software architecture, cloud-native apps, SRE and operations, information security, data-intensive systems, and more, these CTOs help you make well-informed decisions.

What does James bring to the table as your partner for technology strategy? A lot. He's built software. He's sold software. He's worked with software partners. For years, he’s been writing about meaningful technology topics on his blog, The Wisdom of Clouds and now, Digital Anatomy. James has been a product management executive and knows what it means to deliver products based on customer need. And thanks to his recent stint at AWS leading Learning Services engineering, he has valuable knowledge about continual education. All his experience will help you craft a multi-faceted approach to your IT strategy.

Want to learn more about Pivotal and delivering outcomes that matter? Check out a recent Whitepaper that look at value stream mapping. And don’t miss our latest insight into app modernization and treating your platform as a product.