Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! How are you? It?s been a hot minute since we last chatted. I was in Germany this time last week. Now, I?m back in beautiful San Francisco. Today the weather will climb to a monumental 84 F! That?s very unusual, for any time of the year, here in San Francisco. Most places here in San Francisco don?t have air conditioning. Some have heating. I bought a brand new condo in 2014 and it didn?t have air conditioning. You just open the window. I am privileged enough that I have air conditioning today, of course. I mention all this to say that it?s hot here! I worry for the elderly! When it gets this hot, the YMCA and other organizations typically invite elderly people to come in and get some cool air and water. It?s dangerous. Some days it gets even hotter. Very rare, but it does happen. I hope you?re all doing well. Take care of yourselves and each other, my friends.
And, speaking of being hot, let?s look at this week?s roundup of the latest-and-greatest that?s hot off the press!
- Bootiful Podcast: Spring Framework contributor S?bastien Deleuze on GraalVM, AOT, project Leyden, and WebAssembly
- CVE report published for Spring Cloud Function
- Debugging Collections, Streams and Watch Renderers
- Difference Between Flux.create and Flux.generate
- Handle Spring Security Exceptions With @ExceptionHandler
- MongoDB Composite Key With Spring Data
- Spring Authorization Server 0.3.1 available now
- Monitoring Spring Boot applications using Spring Boot Admin
- Spring Data 2021.2.1 and 2021.1.5 released
- Spring Data JPA ? Run an App Without a Database
- Spring Data MongoDB SpEL Expression Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2022-22980)
- Spring Framework 5.3.21 available now
- Spring Security 5.7.2 and 5.6.6 available now
- Spring Tools 4.15.0 released
- Spring Tools 4.15.1 released
- What are the Spring Boot Default Memory Settings?
- A Guide to Docker Private Registry
- Is There a Destructor in Java?