I’m excited to announce today that we are going to be moving several of our key cloud native open source projects to a new GitHub organization at: github.com/vmware-tanzu.
At VMworld 2019 US, we introduced VMware Tanzu. VMware Tanzu is our new overarching portfolio of projects, products, and services for building, running, and managing modern applications and infrastructure. This major announcement spanned Pivotal, Project Pacific (embedding Kubernetes into vSphere), and VMware Tanzu Mission Control (managing your entire Kubernetes estate across clouds, teams, and clusters).
We’re thrilled about the response we’ve heard from customers and the community to all of these announcements.
Open Source is Key
VMware Tanzu is grounded in open source. This includes our significant ongoing efforts to advance the Kubernetes project and our active participation in the extended ecosystem. We believe that users gain flexibility and access to innovation when a community comes together around open source.
Consolidating our related open source projects under this new GitHub organization helps community members and users find the set of open source projects that are closely related to Kubernetes and the cloud native ecosystem.
We’ll be moving three key projects to this new GitHub organization right away: Velero, Sonobuoy, and Octant. Other key cloud native projects will be moved over time.
Moving GitHub repos is both deceptively easy and hard at the same time. GitHub provides a simple flow to move and rename repos complete with redirects. Most things just work. But, because of the way the Go language names packages, there are places where the repo name shows up in code. Fixing that is a little more complicated and may take some time and cause some friction.
Just Getting Started
What does this mean for the Heptio GitHub repos? Our goal is to move over the relevant cloud native projects and the TGI Kubernetes (TGIK) program to the VMware Tanzu GitHub organization. Some projects that have lost their relevancy will be archived. We expect this transition to be done in October.
As part of this transition we will be winding down the Heptio GitHub orgs. We hold our traditions dear, and we intend to honor them as we move forward with VMware Tanzu. VMware Tanzu will bring a new, expanded vision that combines the best of Heptio, VMware, and more. Look for more updates in the coming months.
We are just getting started! VMware will continue to make meaningful contributions to the community, start new projects, and actively look to move projects with broad community engagement under neutral governance, such as the CNCF. I can’t wait to see where the combination of the VMware Tanzu team and the larger Kubernetes community takes us next.