New vRealize Operations Management Pack for Virtual SAN 6.0

VSAN-VROPSNew vRealize Operations Management Pack for Storage Devices 6.0.2 released. The new version of the management pack offers full support for Virtual SAN 6.0 by introducing a new set of dashboards that provides global visibility into all aspects of Virtual SAN 6.0 from a centralized location.

The new dashboards present customers with some of the most important and relevant information about Virtual SAN 6.0 right out-of-the-box.

  • Global View
    Get global visibility across Virtual SAN clusters for monitoring and proactive alerts/notifications on an ongoing basis. Proactively monitor multiple Virtual SAN clusters using exploratory out of the box and customizable dashboards for deriving Virtual SAN Cluster Insights, Device Insights, Entity usage, Heat Maps etc. Simplify end to end troubleshooting by leveraging Virtual SAN topology and relationship between VM, Host, Datastore, Disk group, Host Bus Adapter etc. Get device/hardware specific reports, alerts using S.M.A.R.T.S.
  • Health Monitoring and Availability
    Proactively monitor and assess device connectivity issues and failures such as APD (All Path Down), PDL (Physical Device Loss), network congestion, SSD Life (based on S.M.A.R.T.S) and disk failures. Get proactively notified on failures, performance and compliance issues on an ongoing basis, review symptoms and recommendations for a remediation strategyUse exploratory dashboards and heat maps.
  • Performance
    Monitor aggregate performance (throughput in MB/s) and latencies at a disk group and disk level for SSDs and HDDs. Assess how Virtual SAN is keeping up with specific workload by continuously monitoring metrics like SSD Read Cache hit ratio and SSD eviction rateMonitor CPU, memory and network congestion metrics.
  • Capacity
    Monitor disk usage (available and used capacity) on disks across all hosts in a cluster.
    Perform capacity planning based on “what if scenarios” and plan for future hardware purchase based on historic demand and stress trends of Virtual SAN workloads.

The storage management pack introduces five new dashboards into the vRealize Operations Manager UI that displays performance and health information about all the physical and a number of the software components of Virtual SAN including the hosts, storage devices, performance characteristics, and network statistics. Below you can find some brief descriptions for the Virtual SAN Default Dashboards:

Virtual SAN 6 Troubleshooting – this view provides an end-to-end storage topology, health, and alerts for clusters host systems, virtual machine, disk groups, solid state devices, magnetic disks and ESX physical network interfaces.


Virtual SAN 6 Heatmap – this view provides an overview of object performance against its predefined limits. For example, this dashboard can identify whenever hosts are reaching the maximum Virtual SAN component count.


Virtual SAN 6 Entity Usage – this view provides an overview of the most frequently used objects (top 25) on the storage network and tracks the error count for throughput, read and write latency, on host adapters, SSD and magnetic disk objects.


Virtual SAN 6 Device Insights – this view provides insights into device level details including capacity, usage, and errors of devices used by Virtual SAN.


Virtual SAN 6 Cluster Insights – This view provides insights into the cluster level details for disk groups and Virtual SAN datastores.


The solution also provides the ability to use vRealize Operations Manager to monitor and troubleshoot capacity and performance problems on different components of a storage area network. This enables vSphere administrator working with a virtualized environment with Virtual SAN as well as other storage solutions to isolate problems caused by physical storage devices, network connectivity, etc.

To download the vRealize Operation Management Pack for Storage Devices 6.0.2 visit the Cloud Marketplace in the Solutions Exchange site. The installation of the management pack its very simple and you can get started in a matter of minutes. Take a look at the Installation demonstration below.


– Enjoy

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About Rawlinson Rivera

Rawlinson is a Principal Architect working in the Office of CTO for the Storage and Availability Business Unit at VMware. Focus on defining and communicating VMware’s product vision and strategy, and an active advisor for VMware's product roadmap and portfolio. Responsibilities revolved around connecting VMware's R&D organizations with customers and partners in the field. He specializes in enterprise architectures (private and public clouds), Hyper-converged Infrastructures, business continuity / disaster recovery technologies and solutions including Virtual SAN, vSphere Virtual Volumes, as well as other storage technologies and solutions for OpenStack and Cloud-Native Applications. Rawlinson is a VMware Certified Design Experts (VCDX#86) and main author of the blog