
Live from VMworld 2020: A Spotlight on Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Cybersecurity is no longer a buzzword. It is now a concern for businesses, government entities, consumers — for anyone who relies on the internet in our increasingly digital world. Earlier this year, the FBI reported a 400% increase in cybercrime1, a stark reality that has been exacerbated by the ripple effects of the global pandemic. So, how do we build trust and security into cyberspace?

VMware Carbon Black is continuing its mission to keep the world safe from cyberattacks. This week at VMworld 2020, we unveiled new security solutions designed to help organizations secure digital infrastructure and stay one step ahead of attackers. We are also excited to kick off Cybersecurity Awareness Month (CAM) live from the conference. The initiative from the National Cyber Security Alliance is focused on ensuring everyone has the resources to stay safe and more secure online. VMware Carbon Black is proud to support and promote trust and security in cyberspace as a ‘Champion of CAM.

“As people around the world grapple with adjusting to a new normal, their reliance on connected devices to bridge the gap between their personal and professional lives has never been greater. The pandemic and its resulting fallout, however, have exacerbated already existing cybersecurity threats and created new ones, making it impossible to understate the importance of cybersecurity safety and threat awareness today. This year, Cybersecurity Awareness Month is being positioned as a global campaign designed to empower consumers, professionals and business leaders across the world to better understand and own their role in staying safe, secure and ensure their contribution in minimizing overall exposure to unnecessary online risks.”

Kelvin Coleman, Executive Director, NCSA

This year’s CAM theme, “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart,” encourages cybersecurity leaders around the world to help emphasize the importance of online safety and education initiatives not just in October, but year-round. VMware Carbon Black experts have weighed in on the importance of cybersecurity in 2020. Here’s what they had to say:

Live from VMworld: How to #BeCyberSmart

Tom Kellermann, Head of Cybersecurity Strategy, VMware Carbon Black:

“Digital distancing is imperative in 2020 and everyone must recognize that they have a role to play in protecting the virtual safety of their family, friends, and colleagues by remaining vigilant in cyberspace and practicing cyber self-defense.”

Greg Foss, Senior Cybersecurity Strategist, VMware Carbon Black:

“In 2020 it’s more important than ever to take ownership of our own personal security. The threat landscape has rapidly shifted to a predominately remote workforce, meaning that the online activities of many individuals are not protected in the same way as they were even a year ago, when working from an office was the norm. With the corporate attack surface widening, it’s important to take time to evaluate and improve upon the security of our home offices, as criminals are setting their sights on individuals more now than ever before. Not only to protect the organizations that we all work for but to safeguard our personal data and that of our families just the same.”

Rick McElroy, Cybersecurity Strategist, VMware Carbon Black:

“When we operate a car as a human, we use turn signals, seat belts, headlights, obey speed limits to not put others at risk. Those are all things in most cases we just do without thinking about these days. We don’t, however, for the most part, do this with our technology. We buy things, plug them in, and expect them to not at some point pose a risk.”

Top Tips To #BeCyberSmart

“Make sure that your home router is up to date, patches are applied to all personal devices, and separate work and personal devices wherever possible. Every little bit of extra attention you can pay to the security of your network goes a long way towards doing your part to #BeCyberSmart.” – Greg Foss

Taking ownership of one’s role in your own cyber safety is critical. Patch your systems. This is the same as servicing your vehicle. Make sure your wifi is secure which helps secure the digital neighborhood. We must shift mindsets to cyber safety as a community and as humans.”  – Rick McElroy

2020: A Year of Infamy for Cyber Defenders

Hackers, malicious actors, and cybercriminals have seized the opportunity to exploit the vulnerabilities exposed by the global disruption of COVID-19. In fact, VMware Carbon Black found 91% of security professionals reported an increase in overall cyberattacks as a result of employees working from home2. On the frontline of security for their organizations, incident response (IR) professionals are grappling with exacerbated cyberthreats ranging from counter IR to island hopping, lateral movement, destructive attacks, and more.

“Island hopping is occurring 33% of the time as cybercriminals now transition from burglary to home invasion. Organizations must appreciate that their digital transformation efforts will be commandeered to attack their constituency. This reality is compounded by the escalation in the punitive nature of cybercrime as counter incident response is occurring 33% of the time and destructive attacks are occurring 40% of the time3.”

Tom Kellermann

Increased reliance on digital solutions will continue to introduce new vulnerabilities and evolving security threats. Staying secure in a digital world must now be a priority for all. CAM is a timely reminder to not only be aware of today’s security threats but to start taking the steps to improve cyber hygiene and build trust into cyberspace.

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  1. The Hill, “FBI sees spike in cyber crime reports during coronavirus pandemic,” April 2020
  2. VMware Carbon Black, “Global Threat Report: Extended Enterprise Under Threat,” July 2020
  3. VMware Carbon Black, “COVID-19 Continues to Create a Larger Surface Area for Cyberattacks,” August 2020