
Kicking off Developer Day 2020

Developer Day 2020 kicks off today with seven on-demand sessions for more than 2,600 registrants. This is the first time Developer Day has been held in a virtual setting and the VMware Carbon Black team is excited to welcome the largest group of developers we have ever had in attendance. With eight new members added to the Developer Relations team in the past year, VMware Carbon Black is focused on empowering this vast community of developers.

The theme of Developer Day has always been “For Developers, by Developers.”  We empower developers to automate workflows by integrating their security stack. The sessions this year showcase the latest API tools that the team has developed including, Event Forwarder, Binary Analysis SDK, and Platform Search API.  The Developer Network has recently gone through some updates and one of the sessions will walk through these changes and the future roadmap.  The day will also include two sessions from our partners Red Canary and Lastline.  Their sessions will walk through how to implement the APIs, best practices, and how they are able to enhance their security stack using these tools.

The goal of Developer Day is to expose these tools to the attendees so they can take them and use them in their own environment. By sharing the Open APIs we are committed to enabling our community of developers to operate more securely.

“Having a virtual Developer Day is allowing us to reach a much broader developer base. The first developer day in 2018 was attended by only 50 developers, and this year we are expecting well over 2000”, said Kourken Aroyan, Senior Manager, Engineering at VMware Carbon Black. “As we see our Developer Community grow, we are committed to supporting and enhancing our existing tools and expanding our API & Integration capabilities so our community can be even more effective.”

To learn more about VMware Carbon Black’s open source projects and developer resources, visit our Developer Network website at and our GitHub organization at

To learn more about Connect 2020, Developer Day, and register for the event, visit

On behalf of the VMware Carbon Black Developer Relations team, we happy to bring the content of Developer Day virtually to our developer community and we hope you can join us for all three days of Connect.

Click here to register for this FREE virtual event!
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