webinar Work from anywhere

Working from Anywhere is Faster and Simpler Than You Think

When it comes to working from home, your employees have high expectations. They’re looking for the same experience that they would have at a typical day in the office. That means nonstop, always-on internet availability, and secure, effortless access to the tools and apps they need to stay productive.

But enabling your employees in a work-from-home environment poses some major challenges. More people than ever are working remotely, and the surge of internet demand leads to performance issues like latency, packet loss, and jitter that can degrade application performance. Prioritizing business-critical applications isn’t easy when school-age children are learning on Zoom, and both parents are trying to stay productive at the same time, on the same connection. And if an outage happens, your users might have to scramble to set up a personal hotspot until service returns.

Fortunately, VMware SD-WAN™ is a great solution for tackling today’s work from anywhere challenges. This deployment by the enterprise ensures that employees working from home are being productive with efficient, effective and secure network connectivity, in addition to being able to prioritize the most critical applications over non-business apps.  

VMware deployed this WFH solution for its own employees

VMware is supporting our own remote workforce with SD-WAN. We developed two main use cases. The first use case focused on providing a fast onramp to the cloud for employees working from home, for reliable access to VoIP, unified communications, collaboration tools, and SaaS services. This approach enables us to:

  • Provide QoS for business-critical applications by pushing customizable business policies to employee’s homes.
  • Provide performance improvements, with link remediation that reduces latency, packet loss, and jitter. If the internet is congested, SD-WAN can spot the pattern, anticipate the issue, and duplicate packets, to minimize the need to re-transmit them.
  • Offer a fast onramp to key applications, using a global network of VMware SD-WAN Gateways.

Our second use case expanded on the cloud on-ramp by providing a remote access alternative, to support employees connecting to the VMware network using a VPN. An SD-WAN hub provides connectivity from the SD-WAN site to the non-SD-WAN site. To ensure security, the hub is integrated with a NAC solution, and only employees with a certificate are able to authenticate and connect to the network. Our unified solution enables VMware to:

  • Extend VMware’s internal network to home users
  • Provide alternative internal access in the event of a VPN service disruption.
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For home access, one size doesn’t fit all

VMware SD-WAN has enabled our workforce to pivot smoothly to respond to the global pandemic challenge. But every organization is different, so VMware has multiple subscription offers available for home access to meet different needs. Learn more on our work from anywhere web page.

No matter what type of work style and devices you need to support, VMware has a solution tailored to fit your organization. Our solution overview breaks down the deployment options and provides more details on our subscription offers.  

Webinar points the way to secure, scalable, and simpler access

Looking for a deeper perspective on how to empower your remote workforce with enterprise performance and security, consumer simplicity, and cloud scale? Check out our webinar to learn how VMware Work from Anywhere (WFA) solutions can help your employees handle all their business activities with onsite-like experience and productivity. You’ll also see how VMware IT deployed VMware SD-WAN to mitigate the issues of network and application performance for its own employees.

Register to participate in our webinar, “Secure and Optimize Your Network to Work from Anywhere.” Discover how WFA solutions, based on our industry-leading networking and security convergence platform, can help your people stay productive, while maintaining security and control and lowering costs.

Sign up for our live online event, March 17 at 10:00 am Pacific time, or view it on demand.