SD-WAN Software-defined edge VMware Edge Compute Stack

[video] Revolutionizing Police Mobility with VMware SD-WAN: Insights from VMware Explore Las Vegas

• VMware SD-WAN is now VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN™ • VMware SASE is now VMware VeloCloud SASE™, secured by Symantec • VMware SD-Access is now VMware VeloCloud SD-Access™

February 27, 2024: VMware, recently acquired by Broadcom, announced that we’re returning to the VeloCloud brand for our SD-WAN and SASE solutions. Learn more in our press release and blog, Back to the Future with VeloCloud, the Intelligent Overlay for the Software-Defined Edge.

The integration of advanced technology in law enforcement is not just a trend, it’s a necessity. In a recent session at VMware Explore Las Vegas, key figures from Surrey and Sussex Police Forces in the UK, along with VMware edge solution architect Charles Cockshoot, discussed the transformative journey towards a more efficient and tech-driven police force using VMware SD-WAN and VMware Edge Compute Stack.

For a closer look at this innovative journey and to understand the impact of these technologies in real-world policing, watch the session video below. You can also follow these links to learn more about demos of this groundbreaking technology that were presented at Mobile World Congress, VMware Explore Las Vegas, and VMware Explore Barcelona.

Legacy network challenges

Brent Wild, Infrastructure and Networks Manager, DDaT, Surrey and Sussex Police, shared insights about their previous network challenges. The forces faced significant issues with network reliability and visibility, impeding officers’ abilities to perform efficiently. The limitations of their legacy network became glaringly apparent with the increased use of body-worn video cameras and the adoption of cloud services like Microsoft 365.

The SD-WAN transformation

Dr. Steve Conn, Technical Project Manager, Digital Data and Technology for the Surrey and Sussex Police, highlighted their pivotal decision to deploy VMware SD-WAN. This marked a significant shift, making them the first police force in Europe to do so. The deployment, achieved in 238 working days amid the Covid-19 pandemic, brought numerous benefits. These included improved network visibility, reduced complexity, and a substantial reduction in operational spend. The force experienced fewer network faults, from several a day to virtually none, showcasing the robustness of the SD-WAN solution.

Enhancing police mobility

The session delved deeper into how SD-WAN technology was not just confined to static sites but extended to police vehicles, creating a “mobile office on wheels.” This innovative approach allowed officers to remain connected and access critical resources while on the move, significantly enhancing their ability to serve the community efficiently. This advancement also opened possibilities for new applications, like real-time streaming from drones and quicker access to automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) data.

Future vision

The Surrey and Sussex Police Forces, in partnership with VMware, envision better connectivity for police vehicles, reduced costs, and increased operational efficiency. The session at VMware Explore Las Vegas highlighted the critical role of technology in enabling law enforcement to adapt to modern challenges.

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