
Counting Down to VMworld 2021: All About the Edge

VMworld 2021 starts on Tuesday, October 5. This year’s conference is virtual again, with a follow-the-sun agenda and more than 500 sessions out of 1,100+ available on-demand. Register here, then come back and learn more about our SASE and SD-WAN sessions.

VMworld 2021 is only a few days away! It’s time to register and build your agenda at the VMworld website. This year is the first for the Edge track, which includes VMware SASE™ and VMware SD-WAN™ sessions. The explosion of data, faster speeds with 5G, companies delivering immersive experiences to delight their customers — it’s all happening at the edge.

Enterprises are seamlessly extending the platforms and apps that they built in the data center and in the cloud to the edge. Communications service providers are modernizing their networks to provide the services those enterprises need. VMware builds the tools that both will use to accomplish their goals.

VMware’s vision for the WAN edge

In his solution keynote, Sanjay Uppal, SVP and GM of the Service Provider and Edge business unit, will talk about VMware’s vision for the edge and how VMware will meet the converging needs of service providers and enterprises for the compute, networking, and security they need.

Sanjay will speak with these special guests about real-world edge use cases:

  • Rupesh Chokshi, Vice President Cybersecurity & Edge, AT&T, explains how AT&T is partnering with VMware to deliver a global network of SASE PoPs.
  • André Devillars, Head of IT Infrastructure Architecture, Michelin, discusses how his company is migrating applications to the far edge.
  • Dr. Rainer Deutschmann, Group COO, Telia, tells Sanjay how Telia is transforming their network so they can serve the needs of enterprise customers going through their own digital transformation journey.

Solution Keynote: The Future of Distributed Enterprise Edge Runs through Service Providers [EDG3058]: As business trends and technologies such as hybrid workforce and IoT continue to emerge, enterprises must rethink their business model and services to offer. Technologies like edge computing, SASE, and 5G can create a competitive edge. However, adopting these technologies to enable innovative services requires enterprises to forge new partnerships with communications service providers (CSPs). By partnering with CSPs, enterprises can achieve maximum choice, agility, and a competitive advantage. Join this session to learn about the new services that forward-thinking organizations are creating, the unique roles that CSPs play to deliver business value, and the transformative capabilities that VMware offers to enable the new business model and endless possibilities for enterprises and CSPs at the distributed edge.

SASE at the WAN edge

Continuing the conversation about the edge with customers and partners, we will welcome Bob Ghaffari, GM, Enterprise & Cloud Networking, Intel and Paul Savill, SVP, Strategies, Alliances, Technology Services, Lumen. They will tell Craig Connors, VP and CTO of the Service Provider and Edge business unit at VMware  and Shefali Chinni, Senior Marketing Manager at VMware about how they’re helping the distributed workforce do business with security and speed using VMware SASE solutions.

Deliver Reliability, Better Security and Scalability with Edge Computing and SASE [EDG2417]: The global pandemic shifted people to work from anywhere while the edge became more distributed. Advances in microservices-based computing and communication technologies such as 5G are fostering new cloud-native edge compute use cases. The ability to deliver networking and security services with the agility and speed only the cloud can offer becomes imperative. Intel, VMware, and Lumen have worked to optimize cloud-native edge computing and VMware SASE services, including VMware Anywhere Workspace solutions. Hear from VMware, Intel, and Lumen executives about how they team up to make all this possible.

More pioneers, experts, and a real-life Guardian of the Galaxy

If Lando didn’t convince you to register last week, how about Will Smith? He’ll sit down for a fireside chat with VMware VP Sumit Dhawan, discussing success, failure, transformation, and growth.

Here are just a few of the other notable names you’ll hear from at VMworld 2021:

  • Dr. Moogega Cooper, who’s been called a real-life Guardian of the Galaxy and has possibly the best title ever — Planetary Protection Engineer — will tell VMworld attendees about her work with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory on the NASA 2020 Mars mission and how she encourages kids to follow their STEAM dreams.
  • Microsoft Chairman and CEO Satya Nadella and VMware CEO Raghu Raghuram will chat about how both companies are helping customers find success in the cloud.
  • Movie star, Emmy winner, author, and patient advocate Michael J. Fox will talk with VMware Chief Marketing Officer Carol Carpenter to discuss his life and his passion to help find a cure for Parkinson’s disease.
  • It’s a virtual event, so no one will see your old gym shirt. Get some exercise while you listen to Robin Arzón, VP and Head Instructor, Peloton, tell Sumit Dhawan about her passion for athletics and how she healed and reinvented herself through exercise.

See you next week at VMworld 2021!