
Connect to Multiple Clouds Faster, More Securely with SD-WAN

The growing embrace of the cloud as the critical platform for building, testing, deploying and managing applications, services and data — along with the rise of a significant number of major cloud platform and cloud application providers — has led many organizations to adopt new multiple-cloud strategies. According to a survey by RightScale, now part of Flexera, about 84% of enterprises have a multiple-cloud strategy.

A multiple-cloud strategy offers many advantages to organizations. These include protection against a single vendor failure, redundancy and disaster recovery, cost optimization, performance optimization, and the ability to select the best cloud environment for specific workloads. Using multiple clouds helps IT departments leverage an assortment of on-premises (data center) and cloud-based (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS) resources to enable their agile IT operations.

But connecting to the cloud or multiple clouds requires a secure and agile network that delivers reliable connectivity to all cloud platforms. This is where SD-WAN can provide organizations the cloud onramp they need. SD-WAN examines all possible paths and then chooses the best transport option for the best performance, directly from branch locations or home offices, providing optimal connectivity to IaaS cloud platforms.

VMware SD-WAN™ offers customers many benefits when it comes to multiple-cloud connectivity.

  • Tight integration with cloud platforms such as Google Cloud, AWS Transit Gateway and Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN creates a WAN with almost seamless connectivity between the enterprise and the cloud. This enables local PoP preference — to ensure the best possible performance — comprehensive reporting of cloud usage, and analysis of any detrimental factors such as packet loss or increased latency. Another key point to note here is that this type of tight integration offers automated connectivity to these cloud platforms. This in turn allows for rapid identification and remediation of any application performance degradation that might occur.
  • Application delivery whereby enterprises can establish seamless connectivity from users to clouds, IaaS and SaaS platforms based on defined business policies, with proactive traffic steering and prioritization.
  • Reliability and quality of experience is very important when it comes to cloud. SD-WAN avoids backhauling traffic destined to the cloud from the branch to the data center. This not only adds latency but also leads to a poor user experience. As such, based on the set business policies, traffic from the branch must be optimized and sent directly to the cloud.
  • Security and visibility are critical when it comes to the Internet, cloud, and IoT and the vulnerabilities they bring with them. SD-WAN provides visibility into traffic sources and destinations and offers choices to IT and security administrators through the data center and at the edge.
  • Network segmentation is key when it comes to customers in multiple cloud environments. Using segmentation capabilities, customers can isolate certain traffic flows, applications, and network segments.

Learn to boost your multiple-cloud agility at our webinar

If you’d like to discover how the VMware SD-WAN solution facilitates a seamless network transformation providing a smooth onramp to multiple clouds, join us at our free webinar, “Connect to Multiple Clouds Faster, More Securely with SD-WAN.” We’ll show you how to achieve optimized, secure connectivity, eliminate performance degradation, and enable the best user experience — in a nimble, cost-effective way.

Register for our live online event, February 17 at 10:00 am Pacific time, or view it on demand.