SASE SD-WAN VMware Work from anywhere

The New Normal of Work from Anywhere is Here…and SD-WAN and SASE Make it Possible

Sanjay Uppal, SVP & GM, SD-WAN Business at VMware walked through this dramatic success story at VMworld

As we enter the final month of 2020—I think everyone would agree that it’s been an unprecedented year, full of challenges. COVID-19 brought many changes to our way of life, including the need for employees to work from home. It has not been easy and businesses have had to quickly adjust to this new normal.

Case in point: A Fortune 500 firm was faced with a challenge they weren’t fully prepared for, yet theirs is a success story. Let me walk you through it.

When COVID hit, this Fortune 500 firm sent its employees to work from home. They had all of the same challenges faced by so many companies dealing with this unplanned situation. However, what they did have was technology on their side, specifically VMware SD-WAN™ Edges. Working with VMware and implementation by QoS Networks, this firm quickly rolled out 9000 devices to 9000 remote workers in 9 business days!

If you weren’t able to attend VMworld, or need a refresher, check out the session below where Sanjay Uppal, SVP & GM, SD-WAN Business at VMware walked through this dramatic success story.

Work is No Longer a Place

At VMware, our solutions address user concerns with this new reality such as:

  • Poor voice and video quality when collaborating
  • Spotty VPN connection due to internet issues
  • Inconsistent experience while working remotely

But we also address IT Ops concerns such as:

  • Difficulty bringing up and managing growing number of remote sites
  • Rationing VPN to react to increasing network load
  • Keeping workers protected and productive


The new normal means that the home office needs to be treated as a branch office and legacy architectures won’t cut it. VMware SD-WAN has had great success in addressing many of these quality and latency issues. But we have built on that success and our VMware SASE Platform™ is the result. By bringing together network services with security services, in the cloud—all through a single pass architecture—the network optimization and security happen all at once.  This translates to happy end users and relieved IT organizations.

Helping Doctors Help Others: MD Anderson Cancer Center

These solutions aren’t just for companies. Healthcare organizations (and their patients) can benefit as well. Emil Patel, Director of IT Engineering at MD Anderson, joined Sanjay at VMworld to discuss how their radiologists benefited from VMware SD-WAN. If you missed it, watch the video above or read the case study. I’ll summarize it here: In the “old” days, MD Anderson radiologists used to read films over traditional VPN. The result was painful due to network issues. What they required was: ease of use, improved image access time, always on features from home, and access to campus wireless. VMware SD-WAN delivered and changed the way they did their business. Now every employee working from home has become an MD Anderson branch office.

As we look forward to the future, it’s clear that working from home and working from anywhere is possible and we should all expect more: simplicity, scalability, flexibility, low latency and pervasive security. Want to get the skinny on SASE? Check out SASE & ZTNA for Dummies.