Event SD-WAN VMware

VMworld 2019: It’s a Wrap!

The SD-WAN team is still excited by the momentum at VMworld 2019!  For everyone we saw there, thank you for joining in and being a part of this important event. If you missed it, we’ve done our best to bring the highlights to you here, including some online participation. We hope to see you at VMworld 2019 Europe!


We had 16 SD-WAN focused sessions at VMworld. The most popular and highest rated sessions are linked below. Want more? The full list and can be found here.

Achieving a Best-of-Breed SD-WAN Technology Ecosystem

A robust technology ecosystem enables users to easily implement SD-WAN, regardless of vendor service and configuration, and that the integration is seamless. In a best-of-breed ecosystem, businesses have a choice. Through its scalable technology ecosystem, which includes an API and SDK, along with a virtual network functions (VNF) framework, VMware SD-WAN™ by VeloCloud® allows enterprises their choice of security, cloud infrastructure, and network management solutions. In this session, find out how VMware SD-WAN offers innovative network capabilities that deliver performance assurance, management simplicity, and optimized cloud access. Learn how VMware is evolving its technology ecosystem to provide best-of-breed solutions for single sign-on (SSO), network monitoring, edge appliances, and cloud-based and VNF-based security services.

SD-WAN Use Cases: Hybrid WAN, Cloud Shift, Security, and More

This session focuses on the specific use cases and functionality leveraged through an SD-WAN solution. With a basic understanding of the architecture and benefits provided by SD-WAN, you will leave this session with deeper insight into various SD-WAN use cases. This includes the benefits of a hybrid WAN using SD-WAN and legacy infrastructure, as well as how a cloud-delivered SD-WAN architecture with customer-premises-based edges and cloud-based orchestrators speeds time to deployment. Find out how SD-WAN supports the enterprise shift to using cloud applications to optimize performance and enable security across all available transport for all locations becomes business critical.

Breaking with Tradition: How VMware IT Transformed WAN with VMware SD-WAN

WAN has become a barrier—and a big one. Discover how VMware IT took its first steps into SD-WAN. We will discuss real-life use cases on how we replaced edge routers, increased performance for end users, brought a new WAN standard to branch offices, and simplified our overly complex quality-of-service policies. Plus, we will showcase our currently deployed architecture and VMware IT’s roadmap for the future. You will get an introduction to VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud, including what problems VMware IT was trying to solve, how we figured out what SD-WAN is not, and how we planned for that, as well as challenges VMware faced (and you can avoid). Finally, we’ll cover planning, migration, and execution tips when converting the first three branch offices, and how to keep the momentum going by supporting SD-WAN and targeting future deployments.

Showcase keynote: Networking and Security for the Cloud 

There has never been a more exciting (or challenging) time to be in networking. The cloud, application developers, compute and data at the edge, IoT are driving a new wave of innovation and digital transformation. Meanwhile, the network is being asked to connect it all. Watch this showcase keynote to hear Tom Gillis, SVP/GM of NSBU, share the latest roadmap for the Virtual Cloud Network, VMware’s vision for networking in the digital age. You will hear about the latest innovations and see key demonstrations of technologies that are transforming networking and security. You will also hear from forward-thinking organizations and networking and security leaders that are embracing the vision of a Virtual Cloud Network and the NSX portfolio as a blueprint to: a single, consistent operational network fabric for hybrid and multi-cloud environments; deliver a one-touch experience for automating network and policy provisioning for your applications; collect and leverage the insights gathered from the infrastructure to provide better security policies to protect your business. This session is highly recommended for those interested in VMware NSX, VMware NSX Cloud, VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud, and VMware AppDefense.  HOL

Hands on Labs

This year was record breaking for the HOLs at VMworld. A total of 14,434 labs were delivered over the course of the conference. And the good news is that you can still participate! Connect to the lab and try your hand at installations, connectivity, network assessment, and troubleshooting. Check out SD-WAN specific HOLs.

Network Edge Zone

For the first time, the VMware SD-WAN  team hosted a Network Edge Zone on the show floor that included a host of SD-WAN partners. This is really exciting because VMworld is traditionally seen as a virtualization, data center conference. In the inaugural year of this space, nine sponsors participated, and we had over 1,000 visitors. This is a step closer to moving VMworld toward a networking focused conference. We’re looking forward to increasing this footprint next year!


If you missed us in the booth, you can still see VMware SD-WAN in action and check out what’s new here.


During VMworld, we soft launched a new certification: VMware SD-WAN Foundations which proves that an individual has a fundamental understanding of the SD-WAN technology. By being a badge holder, you can present the SD-WAN solution, present the architecture and features, connect customer needs and use cases to product capabilities across different market verticals, and provide a high-level demonstration of the VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator.


We were interviewed on camera by theCUBE and CTO advisor during VMworld. Check out the videos below to learn more about what we announced and what was top of mind for us during the conference.

Watch our co-founders, Sanjay Uppal and Steve Woo share their vision for the future of networking and the secret sauce to our solution.

Check out Keith Townsend interviewing Craig Connors, Chief Architect about how SD-WAN is becoming hyperscale based on 150,000 sites deployed.

Listen to two of the authors of the new SD-WAN 1:1 book, Rosa Lear and Dave Twinam, discuss how they wanted to provide a solution to help customers understand the implementation through their book.

Want to buy the book? Check it out here. Looking for even more reading? Read SD-WAN The Networking Blueprint for Modern Businesses