Case study Financial Partner

Software-Defined Wide Area Network for Financial Institutions

Financial institutions have traditionally operated as brick-and-mortar businesses, but the shift to cloud has required a change in the way services are offered to customers. Customers today require that all services adapt to their own lifestyle, not the other way around. Rather than travel to a brick-and-mortar location to do any number of banking activities, customers want to perform the same actions on the go.

Adapting to a digitally delivered service business can be a difficult proposition for institutions that have firmly established processes and networking activities. But financial services must adapt or get left behind. Architectures must evolve to include increased security functionality and adhere to regulatory mandates while retaining enough flexibility to be able to be easily modified to account for future changes.

Together with its partner, CBTS, NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud was able to transform the networking capabilities of a financial institution to ensure it introduce architectural flexibility, security, and performance to meet the increasing demands of its clientele.


  • To meet customer demands for efficient and secure mobile banking, financial institutions must future-proof their IT infrastructure.
  • This also involves navigating their way through a maze of regulatory mandates.


SD-WAN enables financial institutions to implement this type of networking functionality. Additionally, SD-WAN will allow financial organizations to build a stable foundation to grow their digital footprint, meet customers’ expectations, and facilitate mission- critical business objectives.

To read the full case study on how NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud changed this book retailer’s ability to provide its customers with , click here.