
Zimbra Collaboration Server Performance on vSphere 5

Zimbra Collaboration Server is VMware’s mail, calendaring, and collaboration software. A performance study looks at how the mail server performs on vSphere 5. Test results demonstrate the following:

  • Due to optimizations made within Zimbra Collaboration Server and the tickless timer within Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6, Zimbra Collaboration Server in a virtual machine can scale up effectively, and performs within 95% of a physical host.
  • Zimbra Collaboration Server scales out effortlessly, with only a 10% drop in sendmail latency as up to eight virtual machines are added.
  • Zimbra Collaboration Server consumes less than half of the CPU of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 for the same number of users. The user provisioning time for the tests is also orders of magnitude better.

For the full paper, see Zimbra Collaboration Server Performance on VMware vSphere 5.