API Virtualization

Writing Performant Tagging Code: Tips and Tricks for PowerCLI

vSphere 5.1 introduced an inventory tagging feature that has been available in all later versions of vSphere, including vSphere 6.7. Tags let datacenter administrators organize different vSphere objects like datastores, virtual machines, hosts, and so on. This makes it easier to sort and search for objects that share a tag, among other things. For example, you might use tags to track a group of VMs that all have the same operating system.

Writing code to use tags can be challenging in large-scale environments: a straightforward use of VMware PowerCLI cmdlets may result in poor performance, and while direct Tagging Service APIs are faster, the documentation can be difficult to understand. In this blog, we show some practical examples of using PowerCLI and Tagging Service APIs to perform tag-related operations. We include some simple measurements to show the performance improvements when using the Tagging Service vs. cmdlets. The sample performance numbers are for illustrative purposes only. We describe the test setup in the Appendix.

Update: There are also technical papers on this topic. See VMware vSphere 6.7 Tagging Best Practices or VMware vSphere 7.0 U1 Tagging Best Practices. The papers provide code examples in Java and PowerCLI.

March 1, 2023 update: The technical paper for vSphere 7.0 U2 is now available.

1. Connecting to PowerCLI and the Tagging Service

In this document, when we write “PowerCLI cmdlets,” we mean calls like Get-Tag, or Get-TagCategory. To access this API, simply open a PowerShell terminal and log in:

Connect-VIServer <vCenter server IP or FQDN> -User <username> -Pass <password>

When we write “Tagging Service APIs,” we are referring to calls that are satisfied by the Tagging Service. To access such APIs from a PowerShell terminal, you must log in both to the vCenter Server and to the Tagging Service:

# Login to vCenter
Connect-VIServer <VC server IP or FQDN> -User <username> -Pass <password>
# Login to the tagging server (known as the CIS server), which contains the Tagging Service
Connect-CISserver <VC server IP or FQDN> -User <username> -Pass <password>
# Get a handle to the Tagging Service APIs
$taggingAPI = Get-CisService com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag

# Get a handle to the tag assignment APIs
$tagAssignmentAPI = Get-CisService com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_association

To access built-in help for the tagging APIs, add .help to the method name. We give an example below of the actual documentation.

# List available tag assignment method calls, using $tagAssignmentAPI from above
PS H:\> $tagAssignmentAPI.help
Documentation: The {@name TagAssociation} {@term service} provides {@term operations} to
attach, detach, and query tags.

Operations: List list_attached_tags_on_objects(List<com.vmware.vapi.std.dynamic_ID> object_ids):

Fetches the {@term list} of {@link ObjectToTags} describing the input object
identifiers and the tags attached to each object. To invoke this {@term operation},
you need the read privilege on each input object. The {@link ObjectToTags#tagIds}
will only contain those tags for which you have the read privilege.

List<id> list_attachable_tags(com.vmware.vapi.std.dynamic_ID object_id):

Fetches the {@term list} of attachable tags for the given object, omitting
the tags that have already been attached. Criteria for attachability is calculated
based on tagging cardinality ({@link CategoryModel#cardinality}) and associability
({@link CategoryModel#associableTypes}) constructs. To invoke this {@term operation},
you need the read privilege on the input object. The {@term list} will only contain
those tags for which you have read privileges.

2. High level differences between cmdlets and Tagging Service calls

2.1 Names vs. IDs

When using cmdlets, it is customary to use the name of a tag or category. For example, you might write the following to get the tag whose name is “john”.

PS H:\> $tag = Get-Tag -Name “john”

To get all tags with “john” in the name, you would use a “*” wildcard

PS H:\> $tagList = Get-Tag -Name “john*”

The Tagging Service, in contrast, typically requires IDs instead of names. These IDs persist throughout the lifetime of the tag or category, so they can be cached on creation and used throughout the lifetime of your scripts.

Example: Here is some sample code to retrieve the ID of a tag category given its name:

# We will find the id of the tag category for the category named “john”
$tagCatName = ‘john’
# Get a handle to all tag category API calls
$allCategoryMethodSvc = Get-CisService com.vmware.cis.tagging.category

# List all categories
$allCats = $allCategoryMethodSvc.list()

# Iterate over categories to find the desired category (name = $tagCatName)
foreach ($cat in $allCats) {
    if (($allCategoryMethodSvc.get($cat.value)).name -eq $tagCatName){
        # set $catID to the id of this category
        $catID= $cat.id

Example:  Here is some code to find the tag ID of the tag named “john”.

$tagName = “john”
# return a list of all tag IDs in the system.
$allTags = $allTagMethodSvc.list()

# iterate over tag IDs to find the tag whose name is $tagName
foreach ($tag in $allTags) {
    if ($allTagMethodSvc.get($tag).name -eq $tagName) {
        $tagID = $tag.id

If you know the name of the category, you can improve on the previous code by searching tags within this category.

# Assume that $catID was retrieved as specified above
$tagsForCatID = $allTagMethodSvc.list_tags_for_category($catID)
foreach ($tag in $tagsForCatID) {
    if ($allTagMethodSvc.get($tag).name -eq $tagName) {
        $tagID = $tag.id

For performance reasons, it is a good idea to store a mapping of IDs to names. With such a map, you avoid the need to iterate over each tag ID or category ID whenever you need a tag or category name. We give an example of making such a map below under example 4 (see createTagNameIdMap).

2.2 Tag and category specifications for Tagging Service calls

When creating a tag or a category using cmdlets, there are many default parameters, and others can be specified on the command line. With Tagging Service calls, a “spec” must be created and used.

Here is an example of creating a tag with “multiple” cardinality. (Multiple cardinality means that multiple tags from this category can be applied to a specific object at a time. For example, a category named “Owners” may have tags named “Alice” and “Bob”, and a given VM may have both “Alice” and “Bob” assigned to it. In contrast, single cardinality means that only one tag from a given category can be used on a specific object. For example, a category named “OS” may have tags named “Linux” and “Windows.” A given VM would have only one of these tags assigned.)

Creating a tag category using cmdlets

# Create tag category named ‘testCat’
$catName = ‘testCat’
New-TagCategory -Name $catName -Cardinality Multiple

Creating a tag category using the Tagging Service directly

$catName = ‘testCat’
# Get a handle to the category methods:
$allCategoryMethodSVC = Get-CisService com.vmware.cis.tagging.category

# Create a spec for the category
$catSpec = $allCategoryMethodSVC.Help.create.create_spec
$catSpec.cardinality = ‘MULTIPLE’
$catSpec.associable_types = ‘’

# NOTE: In vSphere 6.5, the category_id field should not be used.
# In vSphere 6.7, please set the category_id to ‘’.
$catSpec.category_id = ‘’
$catSpec.description = ‘’
$catSpec.name = $catName

# Now create the tag category

3. Performance considerations

In general, Tagging Service calls are faster than cmdlets, and the difference becomes larger as the inventory size or number of tags grows. There are two main reasons for this. First, a cmdlet, while presenting a simpler interface to the user, often must make multiple backend calls to retrieve the same information that one might need to retrieve with a direct Tagging Service call. Second, cmdlets often use names rather than IDs in their invocations. For example:

Get-Tag <tagName>

rather than

Get-Tag -Id <tag-id>

Most of the tagging information is indexed by ID in the backend, so calls that use an ID are faster than calls that use a name.

4. Examples using cmdlets and Tagging Service calls

In the following examples, we show how to retrieve information using both cmdlets and Tagging Service calls. We also show sample performance numbers for a sample inventory with 3200 VMs (see the Appendix for details on the experimental setup). As noted above, the API for the Tagging Service is more efficient, though it requires using IDs rather than names. As a result, where possible, we suggest storing the ID/name mapping for tags and tag categories in a local file or data structure for fast lookup.

4.1 Global variables

In the examples that follow, we use a number of variables repeatedly. We define those variables here.

Cmdlet variables

$vsphereUnderTest = FQDN of the vCenter Server
$user = username for the vCenter under test
$pass = password for the vCenter under test
$catName = ‘testCat’
$tagName = ‘testTag’
$allVMS = Get-VM

Tagging Service variables

$vsphereUnderTest = FQDN of the vCenter Server
$user = username for the vCenter under test
$pass = password for the vCenter under test
$catName = ‘testCat’
$tagName = ‘testTag’
$vmNames = ‘testVM_1’, ‘testVM_2’, ‘testVM_3’, ‘testVM_4’, ‘testVM_5’
$allVMs = Get-VM

4.2 Code Samples

Example 1: Connecting to vCenter and the Tagging Service

In this example, we show how to connect to vCenter and the Tagging Service. For the Tagging Service, as described above, you must log in to both the vCenter and the “CIS” server.

1A: Cmdlets

Connect-VIServer -Server $vsphereUnderTest -User $user -Password $pass

1B: Tagging Service (requires login to both vCenter and the CIS server)

# also connect to CIS service
Connect-VIServer -Server $vsphereUnderTest -User $user -Password $pass
Connect-CISServer -Server $vsphereUnderTest -User $user -Password $pass

Discussion: Tagging Service requires logging in to both vCenter and the Tagging Service server (called the CIS server). When using the Tagging Service, you must also retrieve a handle to the appropriate Tagging Service methods. Here are some examples:

Getting method handles for various Tagging Services

# Category methods
$allCategoryMethodSVC = Get-CisService com.vmware.cis.tagging.category
# Tagging methods
$allTagMethodSVC = Get-CisService com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag

# Tag association methods
$allTagAssociationMethodSVC = Get-CisService com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag_association

Example 2: Creating a tag category

In this example, we create a tag category. Recall that the category name


is defined above.

2A: Cmdlets

New-TagCategory -Name $catName -Cardinality Multiple

Average time to create tag category in our setup: 200 ms

2B: Tagging Service

# Create a spec for the category:
$catSpec = $allCategoryMethodSVC.Help.create.create_spec
$catSpec.cardinality = ‘MULTIPLE’
$catSpec.associable_types = ‘’
$catSpec.category_id = ‘’
$catSpec.description = ‘’
$catSpec.name = $catName
# Now create the tag category
$catObject = $allCategoryMethodSVC.create($catSpec)

Average time to create tag category in our setup: 53 ms

Programming note: You don’t need to set the description, but if you don’t, the default value will be set to:

@{Documentation=The description of the category.}

WARNING: If you are connected to a 6.7 vCenter you need to specify the


If you don’t, you will see an



Discussion: In the Tagging Service example,

$catObject = $allCategoryMethodSVC.create($catSpec)

creates the tag category, and the object returned is saved as

$catObject. $catObject.Value

is the ID of the category that was created.

Example 3: Creating a tag under a tag category

In this example, we create a tag under a tag category. As a convenience, we use the following function to get a category ID given the category’s name. We need the ID because the Tagging Service uses IDs, not names.

function Get-CategoryIdFromName {
Param ($inputCatName)
$allCategoryMethodSvc = Get-CisService com.vmware.cis.tagging.category
$allCats = @()
$allCats = $allCategoryMethodSvc.list()
foreach ($cat in $allCats) {
# Compare name of input category to current category. Return if match.
if (($allCategoryMethodSvc.get($cat.value)).name -eq $inputCatName) {
    return $cat.value
# no match
return $null

Note: if you need to get category IDs from names multiple times, it is better to create a mapping of names to IDs. The following function creates a map of category names to IDs.

function createCategoryNameIdMap {
$allCategoryMethodSvc = Get-CisService com.vmware.cis.tagging.category
$allCats = $allCategoryMethodSvc.list()
$catNameIdMap = @{}
foreach ($cat in $allCats) {
$catName = $allCategoryMethodSvc.get($cat.value).name
return $catNameIdMap

Creating a tag under a tag category

3A: Cmdlets

New-Tag -Name $tagName -Category $catName

Average time to create a tag in our setup: 112 ms

3B: Tagging Service

# Use function defined above to get category ID from category name
$catID = Get-CategoryIdFromName($catName)
# First create a tag spec.
$spec = $allTagMethodSVC.Help.create.create_spec

$spec.name = $tagName
$spec.description = ‘’
$spec.tag_id = ‘’
$spec.category_id = $catID.value

# Now create the tag
$tagObject = $allTagMethodSVC.Create($spec)

Average time to create a tag in our setup: 64 ms

Programming note: You don’t need to set the description, but if you don’t the default value will be set to:

@{Documentation=The description of the tag.}

WARNING: If you are connected to a 6.7 vCenter you need to specify the


If you don’t, you will see an



Discussion: The Tagging Service example uses the function


to get the category ID. This line of code can be eliminated if you save the category object $catObject from example 2b. If you do this, you will also need to change the line

$spec.category_id = $catID.value


$spec.category_id = $catObject.value

When we create the tag, we save the object that is returned by




Example 4: Associating a tag with a VM

In this example, we associate a tag with a VM (also known as “attaching a tag to a VM”). The Tagging Service APIs, as mentioned above, use tag IDs instead of tag names. As a convenience, we use the following function to get a tag ID given the tag’s name.

function Get-TagIdFromName {
Param ($a)
$allTagMethodSvc = Get-CisService com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag
$allTags = @()
$allTags = $allTagMethodSvc.list()
foreach ($tag in $allTags) {
if (($allTagMethodSvc.get($tag.value)).name -eq $a) {
    return $tag.value
return $null

In addition to using the tag ID instead of the tag name, the tag attachment API requires a specially-created VM object, as shown in the example below.

Attaching a tag to one VM

4A: Cmdlets

$tagArray = Get-Tag -Category $catName
New-TagAssignment -tag $tagArray[0] -entity $allVMS[0]

Average time to attach a tag in our setup: 2717 ms

4B: Tagging Service

# Pick a VM to attach the tag to
$testVM = Get-VM -Name $vmNames[0]
# The Tagging Service needs a VM object as an argument.
# We recommend doing this once and storing the result rather than recreating it each time you need it.
$VMInfo = $testVM.ExtensionData.MoRef
$vmid = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
id = $VMInfo.value
type = $VMInfo.Type

# The Tagging Service uses tag IDs, not names, so get the ID from the name using the method above.
$tagId = Get-TagIdFromName($tagName)

# Now attach the tag to the VM.
$allTagAssociationMethodSVC.attach($tagID, $vmid)

Average time to execute the attach() call in our setup: 35 ms

Programming note:


uses our


convenience function.

Note: If you need to get tag IDs from names multiple times, it is probably better to create a mapping of names to IDs. The following function creates a map of tag names to IDs:

function createTagNameIdMap {
$allTagMethodSvc = Get-CisService com.vmware.cis.tagging.tag
$allTags = $allTagMethodSvc.list()
$tagNameIdMap = @{}
foreach ($tag in $allTags) {
    $tagName = $allTagMethodSvc.get($tag.value).name
return $tagNameIdMap

To use the function above, you could do the following (we assume that there is a tag named “test tag”):

$tmap = createTagNameIdMap
$testTagId = $tmap[“test tag”]

Example 5: Get the tags assigned to a VM (1 tag associated with the VM)

In this example, we get the tags assigned to a VM. The cmdlet assumes that we have an array of VMs


(defined above in “Global Variables”), and it gets the association to the first one. The Tagging Service needs a VM ID object rather than a VM name. We use the


object created in the previous example. We assume there is one tag associated with the VM.

5A: Cmdlets

# Pick the first VM in our list of VMs ($allVMs)
Get-TagAssignment -Entity $allVMS[0]

Average time to get tag assignment in our setup: 2610 ms

5B: Tagging Service

# Assume we have the VM object $vmid from the previous example, and assume we have only 1 tag association.
$tagID = $allTagAssociationMethodSVC.list_attached_tags($vmid)

Average time to get tag assignment in our setup: 49 ms

Programming note: The above code will return the tag ID. If you need to get more information about the tag, use the following line:


If you want the name, then use this:


Example 6: Assign one tag to 1000 VMs

In this example, we assign a single tag to 1000 VMs. In both the cmdlet case and the Tagging Service case, we assume an array of VMs


as defined above. For the Tagging Service, we create an array of VM ID objects from this


array. We also use the


created in the previous example.

6A: Cmdlets

# Pick 1000 VMs from $allVMs and assign the first tag in $tagArray to each VM.
$useTheseVMs = $allVMS[0..999]
$useTheseVMs | New-TagAssignment -Tag $tagArray[0]

Average time to attach 1k VMs to one tag in our setup: 2727842 ms

6B: Tagging Service

# Use $allVMs from Global Variables above.
$useTheseVMIDS = @()
# Create VM objects for all VMs.
# This should be done once for all VMs, not every time
# you want to do an association.
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 1000; $i++) {
$VMInfo = $allVMS[$i].extensiondata.moref
$useTheseVMIDS += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
id = $VMInfo.value
type = $VMInfo.type

# Assume we have $tagId from the previous example.
$allTagAssociationMethodSVC.attach_tag_to_multiple_objects($tagID, $useTheseVMIDS)

Once VM objects have been created, the average time to attach 1k VMs to one tag: 18438 ms

Example 7: List the VMs assigned to one tag

In this example, we retrieve the VMs assigned to one tag. In the cmdlet case, we assume that there is an array of 1000 tags


and we find the VMs assigned to the first tag. In the Tagging Service case, we need to use a tag ID instead of a name, so we use


from the previous example.

7A: Cmdlets

# Get VMs attached to the first tag in $tagArray.
$vmsAssignedToTag = Get-VM -Tag $tagArray[0]

Average time to search for the VMs: 25844 ms

7B: Tagging Service

# Assume we have $tagID from earlier tests.
$vmsAssignedToTag = $allTagAssociationMethodSVC.list_attached_objects($tagId)

Average time to search for the VMs: 411 ms

Programming note: Return value


is a list of PSCustomOjbects. To find the type, use


and to find the ID, use


Note: The return value of the


method is a list of VM objects. If you want to get the ID of a given VM for subsequent Tagging Service calls, you must do the following:

# Get the first VM in the list.
$vm_0 = $vmsAssignedToTag[0]
# Get the type. In this case, it is VirtualMachine.
$v_type = $vm_0.type

# Get the id. In this case, it will be something like ‘vm-222’.
$v_id = $vm_0.id

# Construct an ID from the type and ID.
# The result is of the form ‘VirtualMachine-vm-222’.
$VirtualMachineId = $v_type + "-" + $v_id

# This ID can now be used to retrieve additional information about VMs.
$vm_0_get = Get-VM -Id $VirtualMachineId

Example 8: Attach 1000 tags to one VM

In this example, we attach 1000 tags to a single VM. We assume that you have already created 1000 tags, for example, by taking the code in example 3 in a loop.

8A: Cmdlets

$useTheseTags = $tagArray[0..999]
foreach ($tag in $useTheseTags) {
    New-TagAssignment -Entity $vmArray[1] -Tag $tag

Average time to attach 1000 tags to 1 VM in our setup: 3236949 ms

8B: Tagging Service

# Get list of tags you want to attach
$tagArray = $alltagMethod.list()
$useTheseTags = $tagArray[0..999]

# Create a VM object to attach the tags to. We re-use a VM from our list above.
# For best performance, create these VM objects once and store them: do not
# create them every time you wish to do an associaton.
$VMInfo = ($allVMS[0]).extensiondata.moref
$vmid = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    id = $VMInfo.value
    type = $VMInfo.type

# Now do the actual association.
$allTagAssociationMethod.attach_multiple_tags_to_object($vmid, $useTheseTags)

Once VM object has been created, average time to attach 1000 tags to 1 VM in our setup: 1511 ms

Example 9: List all the tags associated with a VM (1000 associations)

In this example, we list all tags associated with a VM. In our test, we use a VM that has 1000 tags associated with it. In both the cmdlet case and the Tagging Service case, we use the


array above, and pick the first VM.

9A: Cmdlets

Get-TagAssignment -Entity $allVMs[0]

Average time to get tag assignments in our setup: 3715 ms

9B: Tagging Service

# Create VM object. Do this once and store it, rather than
# creating it every time you need to retrieve tag associations.
$VMInfo = $allVMs[0].extensiondata.moref
$vmid = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    Id = $VMInfo.value
    Type = $VMInfo.type
$tagIDArray = $allTagAssociationMethod.list_attached_tags($vmid)

Average time for get tag assignments after object has been created: 63 ms

Programming note: The above code will return an array of tag IDs. If you need to get more information about the tags, use


for each tag ID.

5. Takeaways

As you can see, the cmdlets are typically shorter and more intuitive to write than the Tagging Service scripts. However, the performance of Tagging Service calls can be substantially better than cmdlets. For small inventories or small numbers of tags, cmdlet performance is likely to be adequate. For larger inventories, and for better performance, we recommend using Tagging Service calls.

6. Experimental environment

For these examples, we used a testbed that had 32 hosts and 3200 VMs. These measurements were done after creating 10 tag categories with 1000 tags per category (for a total of 10,000 tags in the system). Actual performance for your environments will vary with inventory configuration and the configuration of the vCenter appliance.

PowerShell version 5.1.14409.1005
VMware PowerCLI 10.1.0 build 8346946
vSphere 6.7 GA

About the Authors

Joseph Zuk is a staff-level automation test engineer working at VMware within the Performance Engineering Automation team. He focuses on at-scale performance testing of vCenter. He has been using PowerCLI for setup of his automation testbed since 2011.

Ravi Soundararajan is a principal engineer in the Performance Engineering group at VMware. He works on vCenter performance and scalability–from the UI, to the server, to the database, to the hypervisor management agents. He has been at VMware since 2003, and he has presented on the topic of vCenter Performance at VMworld from 2013-2018. His Twitter handle is @vCenterPerfGuy.