Cloud Multi-Cloud News Success Stories

Stefanutti Stocks moved their cloud back home seamlessly, but how?

The construction industry hasn’t changed in centuries and is ultimately still laying bricks and building buildings. Construction giant Stefanutti Stocks has not only been able to transform the face of their IT department as an early adopter of the cloud but has also managed to face work from home disruptions without missing a beat with the migration of their VMware cloud environment from Europe to South Africa.

In 2015 they took the stance that a private but offsite cloud would aid its approach. As a long-time user of VMware, Stefanutti migrated to a vCloud Air solution hosted in datacentres in Europe, the move let them port legacy applications without significant expense and conducted a virtual lift-and-shift migration into the cloud to deploy more modern cloud services while enabling other technology services.

However, latency issues required Stefanutti’s investment in network acceleration equipment and the establishment of its own interconnect sites (one of the first in South Africa). The pressure was mounting for IT to provide faster application performance but maintain the construction industry’s reputation for being gun-shy with technology investments.

They had to investigate local certified VMware cloud provider partners that could offer the same experience at an improved cost, the skills to support the company, and provide the flexibility to manage, operate and innovate in their environment. It was at this point it selected VMware Cloud Verified and Principal Partner, Routed.

The complete and certified VMware stack at Routed delivered a more reliable and predictable migration, which enabled features Stefanutti needed for its IT-as-a-Service approach. As expected, the move to local vastly reduced Stefanutti’s latency issues, lowered costs and afforded it the flexibility they needed to run services for hundreds of projects in different locations.

This included the migration of all the companies “moving parts” and third-party applications and software such as Veeam. It was also all up and running by the time the pandemic forced a more remote working model – which they add had no real impact on access to systems as it was a model the business was already comfortable using.

Download the full case study here.