Geoff Huang, VMware

Geoff Huang, VMware

As technology evolves, companies adapt and grow. We are no longer confined to conducting business within brick and mortar offices. We can hold a meeting on our tablet in a coffee shop or organize our schedules in our smartphones at the grocery store. Even storage has travelled from overflowing file cabinets into a vast, expansive cloud that can be reached from portable devices wherever, whenever. As businesses go mobile, security is more vital than ever, and it’s important that we enhance it while remaining productive. But how can we be certain that our valuable, business-critical resources are protected?

Geoff Huang, VMware’s Director of Product Marketing, Networking and Security, will host this half-hour webcast on February 18th at 11:00 am PST on why yesterday’s security measurements have become inadequate with the rise of network virtualization, and how NSX can offer a remedy in the modern, mobile workspace.

The truth is, the mobile cloud’s increased efficiency also comes with increased security threats. Before, security was created by building a moat around a network to guard company resources against outsiders trying to break-in. Once that network transitions into a mobile workspace, however, its borders can no longer be tangibly defined, so security needs to be present on a holistic level in order to function well.

Recognizing a need for heightened security, one might plug firewalls in wherever required as a quick-fix. This, however, can be both complicated and costly, neither of which promote the business agility necessary to keep up with today’s workflows. Instead of focusing on one large, ambiguous network, why not divide company data centers into smaller, more easily managed factions? Don’t miss this webcast, where our featured speaker will show you how to achieve micro-segmentation in conjunction with the following:

  • Providing granular control for mobile workflows
  • Simplifying EMM and BYOD deployments through networking and security policies
  • Automating enforcement policies of mobile apps across data centers

If you’re an IT professional who is interested in hearing more about how to enable business agility for mobile users while limiting access to corporate IP and data, then register for this webcast today.