Over the last several years, VMware has been heavily investing in technology and solutions to transform security.  Our goal has been simple; leverage the virtual and mobile infrastructure to build security in – making it intrinsic, simple, aligned to applications and data, and infinitely more effective.

5 years ago, with NSX, we introduced the concept of micro-segmentation, enabling organizations to leverage network virtualization to compartmentalize their critical applications at a network level.

Last VMworld, we introduced VMware AppDefense, to protect the applications running on that virtual infrastructure.  This enabled organizations to leverage server virtualization to ensure the only thing running is what the application intended – flipping the security model to “ensuring good” versus “chasing bad”

Meanwhile, our Workspace ONE team has been steadily building out their platform that leverages user infrastructure, to ensure only legitimate users can get access to critical applications from devices we can trust.

The momentum for NSX, AppDefense, and Workspace ONE has been growing exponentially. And our product teams have not been standing still.  They’ve been hard at work on some incredible innovations and integrations.


Transforming Security in a Cloud and Mobile World

In my security showcase session, Transforming Security in a Cloud and Mobile World (Tuesday, Aug 28, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM) I’ll present VMware’s security vision and strategy and explain where it’s all headed. And we have an incredible live demonstration planned, where members of VMware’s own Red Team will attack live applications, and members of our product teams will leverage our latest technology to defend against those attacks.

This session is the one place to get an end to end view of what VMware is doing to transform security.  Don’t miss it!


Top Security Breakout Sessions – VMworld 2018

I also dug through the VMworld 2018 content catalog and picked my Top 5 can’t-miss security breakout sessions (although there are so many more). Make sure you register to reserve your spot before they fill up.

1. Deep Dive into Context-Aware Micro-segmentation Advanced Security with NSX Data Center

Monday, Aug 27, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM


2. Introduction to VMware AppDefense

Monday, Aug 27, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM


3. Introduction to NSX Data Center for Security

Tuesday, Aug 28, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM


4. VMware AppDefense Customer Success Stories

Tuesday, Aug 28, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM


5. Leveraging ML and Consensus in AppDefense to Operationalize Security

Wednesday, Aug 29, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM


I’m looking forward to learning alongside all of you at VMworld US 2018!

transforming security

Next: Read the Top 10 Networking & Security Sessions at VMworld US 2018 by Tom Gillis.