The NSX Mindset: one’s mental capability to be a determined leader and catalyst for change in the way a company designs, implements, manages, and operates networking and security.

Change isn’t easy.  Especially when it involves something personal.  Unfortunately, though, it happens whether we like it or not.  In the world of information technology change is upon us.  IT Automation, micro-segmentation, application availability, and cross cloud services are no longer buzz words in marketing materials and executive meetings.  These are realities designed and deployed in some of the world’s largest IT environments.  The common thread among these concepts is the new capabilities in networking and security brought to life by VMware NSX.

VMware NSX is a platform for the next generation data center architecture.  The capabilities are transforming the way enterprises approach traditional business problems and it is solving new business problems brought about by a company’s digital transformation.

As an IT professional your long term success hinges on your ability to adapt to new technologies and solutions.  While VMware NSX is disruptive to the status quo, it is at the same time an opportunity for admins, engineers, and architects to become leaders in a new paradigm of networking and security.  This requires two things: 1) a mindset focused on finding opportunities to grow and 2) education.

The NSX Mindset is up to you.

The education is on us.

VMware and VMUG have come together to create an exciting new community as a means of helping educate the IT professionals on VMware NSX.  We launched the community 1 month ago today and have seen it grow to over 23,000 members and over 300 unique discussions.  Over the last 30 days we have rewarded active community members with stickers, shirts, hats, VMUG Advantage memberships, and a VMUG NSX Training package worth more than $4,200.

Today we launch the next phase of our community in order to reach our goals of broadening the audience of people that are trained and certified on VMware NSX.  To do this we are announcing the sale of the VMUG NSX Training package for the deeply discounted price of $1,995.  

By joining the VMUG NSX Community and enrolling in the VMUG Advantage program you will have the opportunity to buy this training package for less than $2,000.  This product will be available at this price for the next 60 days and will include:

  • VMware NSX Install, Configure, Manage On-Demand E-Learning
  • Two VCP exam vouchers, 1 for vSphere Foundations exam and 1 for VCP-NV
  • Two certification exam preparation courses, 1 for vSphere Foundations exam and 1 for VCP-NV
  • A detailed training plan to help you through the course and certification

In addition to making this package available to anyone we are going to be providing incentives for you to not just buy the program but to complete the program and earn your VCP-NV.  Over the next few months we want you to post your results to the community.  We want those who are VCP-NV certified to share their experience and their results with the community.  We are going to be giving away VCIX-NV exam vouchers and additional FREE training courses so that you can continue down the path of becoming a VMware NSX expert.

Become a catalyst for change.

Embrace the #NSXMindset.

Train and certify on NSX.

Change your life.


As always, stay up to date on the capabilities and advancements in networking, by following us on Facebook and Twitter.