Your trusty NSX blog is going through a big change.

We’re uniting our VMware security content in the newly designed VMware Security blog.  

Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to find the latest on network automation, application mobility, and load balancing. All the networking content you count on, that’s staying right here.  

However, if you’re looking for current and future articles on network security and threat research, those will now be found in a new home—a blog that centralizes security content across VMware into a single channel.    

You no longer need to switch (blog) channels for security news, insights, and resources. The newly designed VMware Security Blog will become your new one-stop-shop for key perspectives from experts, specialists, and leaders across VMware NSX, Threat Analysis Unit, and Carbon Black.  

On the new blog, you can expect to find all the network security content you know and love — including:  

  • Important insights and announcements regarding threat research, endpoint security, and network security
  • Key analysis of recent ransomware attacks, insights on techniques deployed, and how threats can be detected and mitigated
  • Infographics, data points, and award recognition illustrating the strength of VMware security solutions
  • Invites to webinars for IT leaders and cybersecurity professionals
  • Links to reports and e-books
  • And more

Keep up with our all-up network security content by bookmarking the VMware Security Blog today!

See something you like? Drop a comment on the blog or reach out to us on Twitter @VMwareNSX.