The speed and agility delivered by fast-moving cloud technologies and modern application architectures have become central to digital business transformation efforts.  There is an emerging realization that IT infrastructure and operations (I&O) teams cannot continue to rely on proprietary, bespoke, and expensive hardware to perform data center functions like networking, security, and load balancing.  These functions can be performed more efficiently at scale with distributed software running on x86 hardware while also achieving reduced complexity and cost.

VMware is excited to present this public cloud approach to infrastructure and operations at the Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference next week, 9–12 December in Las Vegas.

Attend our Speaking Session

Tom Gillis, GM and SVP of VMware Networking and Security Business Unit, will deliver a session on Wednesday titled “A Public Cloud Experience Requires a Different Datacenter and WAN Design”.

Software-based, Scale Out Architecture for Public Cloud


Tom will talk about how you can bring the public cloud experience to your Data Center and WAN using a software-based, scale out architecture running on general purpose hardware.  Purpose-built hardware designed for homogeneous environments simply cannot handle the fast-moving realities of today’s business priorities.  Businesses shouldn’t have to carry the burden of exorbitant CapEx and OpEx costs associated with frequent hardware refreshes.  Tom will underline the importance of being able to automate and manage networking and security centrally, allowing you to secure and scale your infrastructure up and down effortlessly while deploying applications across data centers and clouds.

Meet Us at Gartner IOCS

We also invite you to come visit VMware in Booth #221 and see a demo of the industry leading NSX networking and security virtualization platform. Here are some of the use cases our team will share:

  • NSX Distributed IDS/IPS. Learn how NSX provides a fully distributed software IDS/IPS solution to easily achieve compliance and detect lateral threat movement.
  • vRealize Network Insight. Gain end-to-end visibility, control, and troubleshooting across branch, data center, and public cloud environments.
  • Avi Modern Load Balancer. See how you can deliver a fast, scalable, and secure application experience using autoscaling elastic load balancers.

See you in Las Vegas!