Free VCAP6-NV Certification Exam Prep

Have your CCIE or VCP6-NV? Keep advancing your career by signing up for our free online (on-demand) VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Networking Virtualization (VCAP6-NV) certification exam prep and earn your certification.

Changing your Mindset

Why should you even care about a VCAP6-NV certification? Well, just like how achieving your CCIE was about challenging yourself to be a leader in the industry, earning a VCAP6-NV is about the next evolution of leadership as the enterprise moves to a software-driven multi-cloud infrastructure.

The transition from hardware-centric CCIE to software-defined VCAP6-NV is about a change in mindset and tooling. You need to think beyond the boundaries of a physical device and learn to use new tools and technologies to expand the scope of your current expertise and experience.

As the IT industry goes through massive shifts every decade or so, being able to not only embrace but also lead a paradigm shift is a key indicator of your ability to maintain a position of success and progress.

VMware NSX

The VCAP6-NV certification is the industry standard that validates your knowledge of VMware NSX Data Center. The test prep material takes you through real-world case studies that mimic the process of problem identification and solution and empowers you to synthesize different pieces of information into the construction of a technical solution with NSX Data Center.

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VCAP6-NV Certification